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50+ Wonderful Celestial Italian Baby Boy Names

50+ Wonderful Celestial Italian Baby Boy Names

Are you searching for a celestial Italian baby boy name? Whether you’re drawn to names inspired by the sun, moon, stars, planets, or the vast sky, we’ve got the perfect list for your little star. These Italian names carry deep meanings related to astronomy, mythology, space, and light, making them truly special and timeless. From radiant sun names to powerful planetary inspirations, you’re sure to find a name that shines just as brightly as your baby boy.

Scroll down to explore 50+ celestial Italian baby boy names, complete with their pronunciations and meanings. Let us know your favorite in the comments below!

Celestial Italian Baby Boy Names Inspired by the Sun, Moon & Stars

  1. Sole (SOH-leh) – Sun
  2. Lunardo (loo-NAR-doh) – Related to the moon
  3. Selvino (sehl-VEE-no) – Little moon
  4. Stellario (stehl-LAH-ryo) – Starry
  5. Orione (oh-ree-OH-neh) – Orion, the mighty hunter
  6. Sirio (SEE-ryo) – Sirius, the brightest star
  7. Altairo (ahl-TIE-roh) – Inspired by Altair, a bright star
  8. Zeno (ZEH-noh) – Gift of Zeus (god of the sky)
  9. Cosimo (KO-zee-mo) – Order, harmony (related to cosmos)
  10. Elios (EH-lyos) – Sun god (Helios in Greek)

Italian Baby Boy Names Inspired by the Planets & Astronomy

  1. Mercurio (mehr-KOO-ryo) – Mercury, the swift messenger god
  2. Venanzio (veh-NAN-tsyo) – Dedicated to Venus
  3. Marzio (MAR-tsyoh) – From Mars, god of war
  4. Giove (JYOH-veh) – Jupiter, god of the sky
  5. Saturnino (sah-toor-NEE-no) – Little Saturn
  6. Uranio (oo-RAH-nyo) – Heavenly (from Uranus, sky god)
  7. Nettunio (net-TOO-nyo) – Neptune, god of the sea
  8. Plutone (ploo-TOH-neh) – Pluto, god of the underworld
  9. Astreo (ahs-TREH-oh) – Starry sky
  10. Cosimo Celeste (KO-zee-mo cheh-LEH-steh) – Cosmic and heavenly

Italian Baby Boy Names Inspired by Mythological & Divine Celestial Names

  1. Apollo (ah-POH-loh) – God of the sun and music
  2. Giove Celestino (JYOH-veh cheh-leh-STEE-no) – Divine Jupiter
  3. Zeferino (zeh-feh-REE-no) – Of the west wind
  4. Auriel (OW-ryel) – Angel of the sun and light
  5. Aetherio (eh-TEH-ryo) – From Aether, the upper air
  6. Astorino (ahs-toh-REE-no) – Little star
  7. Caelestino (cheh-lehs-TEE-no) – Heavenly, divine
  8. Eliosandro (eh-lee-oh-SAHN-droh) – Sun protector
  9. Giunone (jyoo-NOH-neh) – Juno, queen of the gods
  10. Poseidone (po-seh-DOH-neh) – Poseidon, ruler of the seas and storms

Italian Baby Boy Names Inspired by Sky & Weather

  1. Cielo (CHEH-loh) – Sky, heaven
  2. Tempesto (tehm-PEH-stoh) – Stormy, powerful like a storm
  3. Fulvio (FOOL-vyo) – Lightning-like, golden
  4. Raggio (RAH-joh) – Ray of light
  5. Venturo (ven-TOO-roh) – Windy, like the air
  6. Lucente (loo-CHEN-teh) – Shining, bright
  7. Sergelio (ser-JEH-lyo) – Inspired by the celestial winds
  8. Vento (VEN-toh) – Wind
  9. Stelvio (STEHL-vyo) – Bright like the stars
  10. Ciro (CHEE-ro) – Sun-born, related to the solar cycle

Italian Baby Boy Names Inspired by Light & Radiance

  1. Lucio (LOO-cho) – Light-bringer
  2. Leandro (leh-AHN-droh) – Lion of the light
  3. Emanuele Lux (eh-mah-NWEH-leh LOOKS) – God is with us + Light
  4. Fosco (FOS-koh) – Dark, but shining
  5. Radiante (rah-dee-AHN-teh) – Radiant, glowing
  6. Brillante (bree-LAHN-teh) – Brilliant, shining
  7. Illario (ee-LAH-ryo) – Joyful light
  8. Solano (soh-LAH-no) – Of the sun
  9. Aurelio (ow-REH-lyo) – Golden, like the dawn
  10. Orfeo (or-FEH-oh) – Bringer of light

Italian Baby Boy Names Inspired by Cosmos & Space

  1. Universo (oo-nee-VEHR-so) – Universe
  2. Galileo (gah-lee-LEH-oh) – Inspired by Galileo Galilei, the astronomer
  3. Cosmico (KOZ-mee-koh) – Cosmic
  4. Eclipse (eh-KLEEPS-eh) – Eclipse
  5. Astero (ahs-TEH-roh) – Asteroid-like
  6. Cometino (koh-meh-TEE-no) – Little comet
  7. Nebuloso (neh-boo-LOH-so) – Nebula, celestial cloud
  8. Astrio (AHS-tree-oh) – Star
  9. Celesto (cheh-LES-toh) – Heavenly
  10. Vega (VEH-gah) – Brightest star in the Lyra constellation

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