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80+ Most Royal and Aristocratic Italian Names for Boys

80+ Most Royal and Aristocratic Italian Names for Boys

Are you looking for a royal and aristocratic Italian name for your baby boy? You’ve come to the right place! We’ve gathered over 80 royal and aristocratic Italian names that evoke nobility, elegance, and grandeur. Whether you’re drawn to classic names like Lorenzo and Alessandro, which have been carried by kings and noblemen, or prefer distinguished choices like Vittorio and Leopoldo, symbolizing strength and prestige, this list offers plenty of majestic options.

Scroll down to explore the most royal and aristocratic Italian names and let us know your favorite in the comments below!

Classic Royal and Aristocratic Italian Names for Baby Boy

  1. Alessandro (ah-leh-SAHN-dro) – Defender of mankind (Italian form of Alexander)
  2. Andrea (ahn-DREH-ah) – Manly, brave (In Italy, Andrea is a masculine name)
  3. Antonio (ahn-TOH-nyo) – Priceless, beyond value (Derived from Latin Antonius)
  4. Carlo (KAR-lo) – Free man (Italian form of Charles)
  5. Cesare (CHEH-zah-reh) – Long-haired, emperor (From Latin Caesar)
  6. Cosimo (KO-zee-mo) – Order, decency (From Greek Kosmos)
  7. Emanuele (eh-mah-NWEH-leh) – God is with us (Italian form of Emmanuel)
  8. Enrico (ehn-REE-ko) – Home ruler (Italian form of Henry)
  9. Ferdinando (fer-dee-NAHN-do) – Bold voyager (Italian form of Ferdinand)
  10. Filippo (fee-LEE-poh) – Lover of horses (Italian form of Philip)

Royal Names Inspired By Italian Kings

  1. Vittorio (veet-TOH-ryo) – Victor, conqueror
  2. Umberto (oom-BEHR-toh) – Bright warrior
  3. Amedeo (ah-meh-DEH-oh) – Lover of God
  4. Emanuele (eh-mah-NWEH-leh) – God is with us + Bright oath (Two-part noble name)
  5. Ludovico (loo-doh-VEE-koh) – Famous warrior (Italian form of Louis)
  6. Gaetano (gai-eh-TAH-no) – From Gaeta (a town in Italy)
  7. Francesco (fran-CHEHS-koh) – Free man (Italian form of Francis)
  8. Giovanni (joh-VAHN-nee) – God is gracious (Italian form of John)
  9. Leopoldo (leh-oh-POHL-doh) – Brave people (Italian form of Leopold)
  10. Giuseppe (joo-ZEHP-peh) – God will add (Italian form of Joseph)

Medieval & Renaissance Aristocratic Italian Names

  1. Rinaldo (ree-NAHL-doh) – Wise ruler (Italian form of Reynold)
  2. Goffredo (gohf-FREH-doh) – God’s peace (Italian form of Geoffrey)
  3. Orlando (or-LAN-doh) – Famous land (Italian form of Roland)
  4. Guido (GWEE-doh) – Guide, leader
  5. Ruggero (rood-JEHR-oh) – Famous spear (Italian form of Roger)
  6. Vincenzo (veen-CHEN-zoh) – Conquering (Italian form of Vincent)
  7. Teodoro (teh-oh-DOH-roh) – Gift of God (Italian form of Theodore)
  8. Domenico (doh-MEH-nee-koh) – Belonging to the Lord (From Latin Dominicus)
  9. Gregorio (greh-GOHR-yo) – Watchful, alert (Italian form of Gregory)

Florentine & Venetian Nobility Names

  1. Lorenzo (lo-REHN-tso) – From Laurentum (an ancient Roman city, associated with laurel trees, symbolizing victory)
  2. Girolamo (jee-ROH-lah-moh) – Sacred name (Italian form of Jerome)
  3. Tommaso (tom-MAH-so) – Twin (Italian form of Thomas)
  4. Baldassare (bahl-dahs-SAHR-eh) – Baal protects the king (Name of one of the Three Wise Men in Italian tradition)
  5. Salvatore (sal-vah-TOH-reh) – Savior (Derived from Latin Salvator)
  6. Alfonso (ahl-FON-so) – Noble and ready (Of Germanic origin)
  7. Riccardo (reek-KAHR-doh) – Brave ruler (Italian form of Richard)
  8. Bernardo (ber-NAR-doh) – Strong as a bear (Italian form of Bernard)
  9. Massimiliano (mas-see-mee-lee-AH-no) – Greatest (Italian form of Maximilian)
  10. Battista (bah-TEES-tah) – Baptist (Common in aristocratic families, associated with Saint John the Baptist)

Italian Names Inspired By Dukes & Counts

  1. Uberto (oo-BEHR-toh) – Bright mind, intelligent (Italian form of Hubert)
  2. Fabrizio (fah-BREET-tsyo) – Craftsman, skilled worker (From Latin Fabriceus)
  3. Raffaele (rah-fah-EH-leh) – God has healed (Italian form of Raphael)
  4. Tiziano (tee-TZYA-no) – Honoring Titan (Famous for the Renaissance painter Titian)
  5. Giuliano (joo-LYAH-no) – Youthful, dedicated to Jupiter (Italian form of Julian)
  6. Ernesto (ehr-NEHS-toh) – Serious, determined (Italian form of Ernest)
  7. Sigismondo (see-jees-MON-doh) – Victorious protector (From Germanic Sigismund)
  8. Corrado (kor-RAH-doh) – Bold counsel (Italian form of Conrad)
  9. Benedetto (beh-neh-DEHT-toh) – Blessed (Italian form of Benedict)
  10. Amadeo (ah-mah-DEH-oh) – Lover of God (Derived from Latin Amadeus)

Roman & Ancient Aristocracy Inspired Italian Names

  1. Marco (MAR-koh) – Dedicated to Mars, the god of war
  2. Claudio (KLOW-dyoh) – Lame, crippled (Despite its meaning, it was a name of a powerful Roman family)
  3. Gaius (GAH-yus) – To rejoice (Common name in ancient Rome, as in Gaius Julius Caesar)
  4. Titus (TEE-toos) – Honorable, strong (Famous Roman emperor’s name)
  5. Lucius (LOO-chyoos) – Light, illumination (A common Roman name)
  6. Julius (JOO-lyoos) – Youthful, downy-bearded (Most famous bearer: Julius Caesar)
  7. Cornelio (kor-NEH-lyoh) – Horned, strong (Roman patrician name)

Elegant & Unique Aristocratic Italian Names

  1. Agostino (ah-goh-STEE-no) – Great, venerable (Italian form of Augustine)
  2. Silvestro (seel-VEHS-troh) – Of the forest, wild (Latin Silvester)
  3. Eliseo (eh-lee-SEH-oh) – God is salvation (Italian form of Elisha)
  4. Fortunato (for-too-NAH-toh) – Fortunate, lucky
  5. Maurizio (mow-REE-tzyo) – Dark-skinned, Moorish (Italian form of Maurice)
  6. Leone (leh-OH-neh) – Lion (Derived from Latin Leo)
  7. Remo (REH-moh) – From Remus, legendary founder of Rome
  8. Ottone (ot-TOH-neh) – Wealth, prosperity (Italian form of Otto)
  9. Severino (seh-veh-REE-no) – Stern, serious (From Latin Severus)
  10. Vincente (veen-CHEN-teh) – Victorious, conquering (Variation of Vincenzo)

Saints & Religious Aristocrats’ Italian Names

  1. Benedetto (beh-neh-DEHT-toh) – Blessed
  2. Celestino (cheh-lehs-TEE-no) – Heavenly
  3. Felice (feh-LEE-cheh) – Happy, fortunate
  4. Francesco Saverio (fran-CHEHS-koh sa-VEH-ryo) – Free man + New house (Named after Saint Francis Xavier)
  5. Pietro (PYEH-troh) – Rock, stone (Italian form of Peter)
  6. Valentino (val-en-TEE-no) – Strong, healthy (From Latin Valentinus)
  7. Pasquale (pahs-KWAH-leh) – Born at Easter
  8. Anselmo (ahn-SEHL-moh) – Divine protection

Regal & Timeless Italian Names

  1. Eugenio (eh-oo-JEH-nyo) – Well-born, noble
  2. Alvise (ahl-VEE-zeh) – Famous warrior (Venetian aristocratic name)
  3. Manfredi (mahn-FREH-dee) – Strength and peace
  4. Eustachio (ew-STAH-kyoh) – Fruitful, prosperous
  5. Gaspare (GAHS-pah-reh) – Treasure keeper (One of the Three Wise Men)
  6. Leone (leh-OH-neh) – Lion
  7. Umberto (oom-BEHR-toh) – Bright warrior
  8. Valerio (vah-LEH-ryo) – Strong, brave

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