290+ Best Italian Middle Names For Boys, Girls and Unisex with Meanings

Looking for the perfect Italian middle name for your baby? You’re in the right place!
We’ve collected a list of 290+ best Italian middle names with meanings for boys, girls, and even unisex options. Whether you’re drawn to classic, elegant names or something more unique, this list has something for everyone.
Every child is special to their parents. Choose a middle name with a special meaning for your child and engrave it on Custom Coins to collect as a testimony of love.
Scroll down to find the ideal Italian middle name that adds a touch of heritage and charm to your child’s full name. Also don’t forget to share your favorite pick in the comments below – we’d love to hear from you!
Table of Contents
Italian Middle Names for Boys

Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With A
- Achille: Hero of the Iliad
- Alberto: Noble and bright
- Aldo: Old and wise
- Alessandro: Defender of men
- Alessio: Defender
- Alfredo: Elf counsel
- Almerico: Ruler of work
- Amadeo: Lover of God
- Andrea: Manly, brave
- Angelo: Angel, messenger
- Annibale: Grace of Baal
- Anselmo: God-protected
- Anthony: Priceless one
- Antonio: Priceless one
- Archibaldo: Bold and genuine
- Armando: Army man
- Arnaldo: Eagle ruler
- Astolfo: Wolf and lightning
- Attilio: Little father
- Aurelio: Golden
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With B
- Baldassare: Baal protects the king
- Bello: Handsome
- Belvedere: Beautiful view
- Benvenuto: Welcome
- Bernardo: Brave as a bear
- Bonifazio: Good fate
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With C
- Carlo: Free man
- Cedro: Cedar tree
- Celestino: Heavenly
- Cesare/Caesar: Head of hair
- Cielo: Sky
- Claudio: Lame
- Clemente: Merciful
- Constantino: Constant, steadfast
- Cristiano: Christian
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With D
- Dante: Enduring
- Dario: Wealthy
- Davide: Beloved
- Diego: Supplanter
- Donato: Given
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With E
- Edoardo: Wealthy guardian
- Egidio: Kid (young goat)
- Eliardo: Bright
- Elio: Sun
- Emanuele: God is with us
- Emiliano: Rival
- Emilio: Rival
- Enrico: Ruler of the home
- Enzio: Ruler of the home
- Enzo: Ruler of the home
- Erminio: Army man
- Estevao: Crowned
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With F

- Fabio: Bean grower
- Fabrizio: Craftsman
- Federico: Peaceful ruler
- Ferdinando: Brave traveler
- Fernando: Brave traveler
- Filippo: Lover of horses
- Fiorello: Little flower
- Fiorenzo: Blooming
- Flavio: Yellow, blonde
- Francesco: Free man
- Franco: Free man
- Frederico: Peaceful ruler
- Fresco: Fresh
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With G
- Gabriele: God is my strength
- Gaetano: From Caieta
- Galileo: From Galilee
- Gaspare: Treasure bearer
- Gelso: Mulberry tree
- Giovanni: God is gracious
- Giuseppe: God will add
- Gualtiero: Ruler of the army
- Guglielmo: Strong-willed warrior
- Gustavo: Staff of the gods
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With H
- Hugo: Mind, intellect
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With I
- Innocenzo: Innocent
- Isaia: God is salvation
- Isidoro: Gift of Isis
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With J
- John: God is gracious
- Joseph: God will add
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With L
- Landolfo: Land wolf
- Lauro: Laurel
- Leonardo: Brave lion
- Leone: Lion
- Leopoldo: Bold people
- Lionel: Young lion
- Lorenzo: From Laurentum
- Luca: Light
- Lucio: Light
- Ludovico: Famous warrior
- Luigi: Famous warrior
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With M
- Maggio: May
- Manfredo: Man of peace
- Mano: Hand
- Manuele: God is with us
- Marcello: Little warrior
- Marco: Warlike
- Martino: Warlike
- Maso: Twin
- Massimo: Greatest
- Mateo: Gift of God
- Matias: Gift of God
- Matteo: Gift of God
- Maximiliano: Greatest
- Maximo: Greatest
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With N
- Napoleone: Lion of the new city
- Nicandro: Man of victory
- Nicolo: Victory of the people
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With O
- Oddo: Wealth
- Orlando: Famous land
- Otavio: Eighth
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With P
- Palamede: Wise
- Paolo: Small
- Pietro: Rock
- Pirro: Flame-colored
- Prospero: Fortunate
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With Q
- Quintino: Fifth
- Quirino: Spear
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With R
- Raffaele: God has healed
- Remo: Oar
- Riccardo: Powerful ruler
- Rivo: Stream
- Roano: Red-haired
- Roberto: Bright fame
- Rocco: Rest
- Roderico: Famous ruler
- Roman: Citizen of Rome
- Rosario: Rosary
- Rosolino: Little rose
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With S
- Salvatore: Savior
- Santo: Saint
- Saturnino: Like Saturn
- Silvano: Of the forest
- Silvio: Of the forest
- Simone: One who hears
- Stefano: Crowned
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With T
- Teodosio: Given by God
- Timoteo: Honoring God
- Tolomeo: War
- Tommaso: Twin
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With U
- Ugolino: Little wolf
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With V
- Valdo: Powerful ruler
- Valentio: Strong
- Verdi: Green
- Vesuvio: Mountain
- Vincenzo: Conquering
Italian Middle Names for Boys Starting With Z
- Zaccaria: The Lord has remembered
- Zia: Grain
Italian Middle Names for Girls

Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With A
- Adriana: From the city of Hadria
- Alessandra: Defender of men
- Alessia: Defender
- Amalfi: From Amalfi (a coastal town in Italy)
- Amata: Beloved
- Andrea: Manly, brave
- Angela: Angel, messenger
- Angelina: Little angel
- Annabella: Graceful, beautiful
- Annunziata: Announced
- Antonella: Priceless one
- Antonia: Priceless one
- Aquila: Eagle
- Aria: Air, melody
- Ariana: Most holy
- Aurora: Dawn
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With B
- Beatrice: Bringer of joy
- Bella: Beautiful
- Bianca: White, pure
- Bonifacia: Good fate
- Bruna: Brown, dark-haired
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With C
- Calista: Most beautiful
- Camilla: Attendant
- Campana: Bell
- Carina: Beloved
- Carlotta: Free man
- Carmela: Garden
- Carolina: Free man
- Caterina: Pure
- Catina: Pure
- Chiara: Clear, bright
- Clelia: Glory
- Clemenza: Merciful
- Consuelo: Consolation
- Costanza: Constant, steadfast
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With D
- Donatella: Given
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With E
- Elena: Light, torch
- Eleonora: Light
- Elettra: Shining, bright
- Elisa: God is my oath
- Emilia: Rival
- Esmeralda: Emerald
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With F
- Federica: Peaceful ruler
- Fioralba: Flower of the dawn
- Fiorella: Little flower
- Fiorenza: Blooming
- Fortunata: Fortunate
- Francesca: Free man
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With G
- Gabriella: God is my strength
- Gaia: Earth
- Gemma: Gem, jewel
- Giacoma: Supplanter
- Giada: Jade
- Gianetta: God is gracious
- Gianna: God is gracious
- Ginevra: White wave
- Giovanna: God is gracious
- Giulia: Youthful
- Grazia: Grace
- Graziella: Little grace
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With I
- Idalia: Behold the sun
- Imelda: Warrior
- Isabella: God is my oath
- Isotta: Fair lady
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With J
- Jolanda: Violet
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With L
- Laura: Laurel
- Lelia: Well-spoken
- Letizia: Joy
- Livia: Olive
- Loredana: From Lothair’s place
- Lorenza: From Laurentum
- Lucia: Light
- Luciana: Light
- Lucrezia: Wealth
- Luna: Moon
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With M
- Maddalena: From Magdala
- Marcella: Little warrior
- Margherita: Daisy
- Maria: Bitter
- Marianna: Bitter grace
- Martina: Warlike
- Matilde: Mighty in battle
- Milana: From Milan
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With N
- Nadia: Hope
- Neve: Snow
- Nicoletta: Victory of the people
- Noemi: My delight
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With O
- Olimpia: From Olympus
- Ortensia: Gardener
- Ottavia: Eighth
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With P
- Pacifica: Peaceful
- Patrizia: Noble
- Perla: Pearl
- Primavera: Spring
- Priscilla: Ancient
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With R
- Rafaela: God has healed
- Raffaella: God has healed
- Renata: Reborn
- Romina: From Rome
- Rosa: Rose
- Rosalia: Rose
- Rosella: Little rose
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With S
- Sabrina: From the river Severn
- Sancia: Sacred
- Sarita: Little princess
- Sebastiana: Revered
- Selena: Moon
- Serena: Serene
- Silvana: Of the forest
- Sofia: Wisdom
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With T
- Teodolinda: People and serpent
- Teresa: Harvester
- Titian: From the Titan
- Tiziana: Honored
- Tosca: From Tuscany
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With V
- Valentina: Strong, healthy
- Valeria: Strong, healthy
- Vanessa: Butterfly
- Veronica: True image
- Viola: Violet
- Violetta: Little violet
- Virginia: Pure, virginal
- Vittoria: Victory
- Viviana: Alive
- Vivienne: Alive
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With Y
- Ylenia: Light
Italian Middle Names for Girls Starting With Z
- Zaira: Flower
- Zita: Little girl
Gender Neutral Italian Middle Names

- Armani: Freeman
- Cielo: Sky
- Dani: God is my judge (short form of Daniele)
- Domani: Tomorrow
- Eli: Ascended, uplifted, high (short form of Elia)
- Gabriele: God is my strength
- Lanza: Lance
- Luca: Light
- Monaco: Monk
- Nico: Victory of the people (short form of Nicola)
- Rafa: God has healed (short form of Raffaele)
- Rizzo: Curly-haired
- Toni: Priceless one (short form of Antonio)
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