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Exquisite Italian Names

67 Italian Baby Names That Mean Beautiful

67 Italian Baby Names That Mean Beautiful

Are you searching for Italian baby names that mean beautiful? Whether you’re expecting a girl, a boy, or prefer a gender-neutral option, we’ve gathered a selection of charming Italian names that convey the essence of beauty. Discover these timeless and meaningful names that will surely add a touch of beauty to your child’s identity.

Italian Baby Boy Names That Mean Beautiful

Explore Italian baby boy names that mean beautiful, each with its pronunciation and beautiful meaning:

  1. Adone (ah-DOH-neh): Handsome
  2. Amando (ah-MAHN-doh): Lovable
  3. Amore (ah-MOH-reh): Love
  4. Angelo (AHN-jeh-loh): Angelic
  5. Augusto (ow-GOOS-toh): Majestic
  6. Basilio (bah-ZEE-lyoh): Royal, king-like
  7. Beauregard (boh-REG-ahrd): Beautiful gaze
  8. Bellino (behl-LEE-noh): Beautiful
  9. Bello (BEHL-loh): Handsome
  10. Bellucci (behl-LOO-chee): Beautiful face
  11. Belvedere (bel-veh-DEH-reh): Beautiful view
  12. Carino (kah-REE-noh): Cute, charming
  13. Carlo (KAHR-loh): Strong and manly
  14. Dante (DAHN-teh): Enduring
  15. Davide (DAH-vee-deh): Beloved
  16. Fino (FEE-noh): Fine, delicate
  17. Fiorello (fyoh-REHL-loh): Little flower
  18. Formoso (for-MOH-soh): Handsome, well-formed
  19. Giocondo (joh-KOHN-doh): Happy, joyful
  20. Giuliano (joo-LYAH-noh): Youthful
  21. Graziano (grah-TSYAH-noh): Graceful, charming
  22. Lindo (LEEN-doh): Beautiful, pretty
  23. Lucca (LOO-kah): Light
  24. Luciano (loo-CHEE-ah-noh): Light
  25. Lucio (LOO-choh): Light
  26. Valentino (vah-lehn-TEE-noh): Strong, healthy
  27. Virgilio (veer-JEE-lyoh): Flourishing

Italian Baby Girl Names That Mean Beautiful

Discover Italian baby girl names that mean beautiful, each with its pronunciation and graceful significance:

  1. Ambra (AHM-brah): Amber
  2. Bella (BEHL-lah): Beautiful
  3. Bellezza (behl-LEHTS-tsah): Beauty
  4. Bellissima (behl-lee-SEE-mah): Very beautiful
  5. Bianca (bee-AHN-kah): White
  6. Bonita (boh-NEE-tah): Pretty
  7. Calista (kah-LEE-stah): Most beautiful
  8. Cara (KAH-rah): Beloved
  9. Celestina (cheh-lehs-TEE-nah): Heavenly
  10. Charis (KAY-ris): Grace
  11. Chiara (kee-AH-rah): Bright, clear
  12. Clarabella (klah-rah-BEHL-lah): Clear, beautiful
  13. Esmeralda (es-meh-RAHL-dah): Emerald
  14. Felicia (feh-LEE-chah): Happy
  15. Fiora (FYOH-rah): Flower
  16. Fiorella (FYOH-rehl-lah): Little flower
  17. Flora (FLOH-rah): Flower
  18. Giulia (JOO-lee-ah): Youthful
  19. Graziana (grah-TSYAH-nah): Grace
  20. Helena (heh-LEH-nah): Light
  21. Ilaria (ee-LAH-ryah): Cheerful
  22. Jasmine (JAZ-min): Jasmine flower
  23. Lucia (LOO-chee-ah): Light
  24. Luna (LOO-nah): Moon
  25. Margherita (mar-gehr-EE-tah): Pearl
  26. Nerina (neh-REE-nah): Sea nymph
  27. Selena (seh-LEH-nah): Moon
  28. Tatiana (tah-tee-AH-nah): Fairy queen
  29. Vanessa (vah-NEH-sah): Butterfly
  30. Zara (ZAH-rah): Princess

Gender Neutral Italian Baby Names That Mean Beautiful

Find gender-neutral Italian baby names that mean beautiful, each with its pronunciation and lovely meaning suitable for any gender:

  1. Adelmo (ah-DEHL-moh): Noble
  2. Amato (ah-MAH-toh): Beloved
  3. Angelo/Angela (AHN-jeh-loh/AHN-jeh-lah): Angelic
  4. Bellissimo (behl-LEE-see-moh): Very Beautiful
  5. Belo (BEH-loh): Beautiful
  6. Caro (KAH-roh): Dear
  7. Eden (EE-den): Paradise
  8. Fiore (FYOH-reh): Flower
  9. Rosario (roh-ZAH-ryo): Rosary

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