67 Italian Baby Names That Mean Beautiful

Are you searching for Italian baby names that mean beautiful? Whether you’re expecting a girl, a boy, or prefer a gender-neutral option, we’ve gathered a selection of charming Italian names that convey the essence of beauty. Discover these timeless and meaningful names that will surely add a touch of beauty to your child’s identity.
Table of Contents
Italian Baby Boy Names That Mean Beautiful

Explore Italian baby boy names that mean beautiful, each with its pronunciation and beautiful meaning:
- Adone (ah-DOH-neh): Handsome
- Amando (ah-MAHN-doh): Lovable
- Amore (ah-MOH-reh): Love
- Angelo (AHN-jeh-loh): Angelic
- Augusto (ow-GOOS-toh): Majestic
- Basilio (bah-ZEE-lyoh): Royal, king-like
- Beauregard (boh-REG-ahrd): Beautiful gaze
- Bellino (behl-LEE-noh): Beautiful
- Bello (BEHL-loh): Handsome
- Bellucci (behl-LOO-chee): Beautiful face
- Belvedere (bel-veh-DEH-reh): Beautiful view
- Carino (kah-REE-noh): Cute, charming
- Carlo (KAHR-loh): Strong and manly
- Dante (DAHN-teh): Enduring
- Davide (DAH-vee-deh): Beloved
- Fino (FEE-noh): Fine, delicate
- Fiorello (fyoh-REHL-loh): Little flower
- Formoso (for-MOH-soh): Handsome, well-formed
- Giocondo (joh-KOHN-doh): Happy, joyful
- Giuliano (joo-LYAH-noh): Youthful
- Graziano (grah-TSYAH-noh): Graceful, charming
- Lindo (LEEN-doh): Beautiful, pretty
- Lucca (LOO-kah): Light
- Luciano (loo-CHEE-ah-noh): Light
- Lucio (LOO-choh): Light
- Valentino (vah-lehn-TEE-noh): Strong, healthy
- Virgilio (veer-JEE-lyoh): Flourishing
Italian Baby Girl Names That Mean Beautiful

Discover Italian baby girl names that mean beautiful, each with its pronunciation and graceful significance:
- Ambra (AHM-brah): Amber
- Bella (BEHL-lah): Beautiful
- Bellezza (behl-LEHTS-tsah): Beauty
- Bellissima (behl-lee-SEE-mah): Very beautiful
- Bianca (bee-AHN-kah): White
- Bonita (boh-NEE-tah): Pretty
- Calista (kah-LEE-stah): Most beautiful
- Cara (KAH-rah): Beloved
- Celestina (cheh-lehs-TEE-nah): Heavenly
- Charis (KAY-ris): Grace
- Chiara (kee-AH-rah): Bright, clear
- Clarabella (klah-rah-BEHL-lah): Clear, beautiful
- Esmeralda (es-meh-RAHL-dah): Emerald
- Felicia (feh-LEE-chah): Happy
- Fiora (FYOH-rah): Flower
- Fiorella (FYOH-rehl-lah): Little flower
- Flora (FLOH-rah): Flower
- Giulia (JOO-lee-ah): Youthful
- Graziana (grah-TSYAH-nah): Grace
- Helena (heh-LEH-nah): Light
- Ilaria (ee-LAH-ryah): Cheerful
- Jasmine (JAZ-min): Jasmine flower
- Lucia (LOO-chee-ah): Light
- Luna (LOO-nah): Moon
- Margherita (mar-gehr-EE-tah): Pearl
- Nerina (neh-REE-nah): Sea nymph
- Selena (seh-LEH-nah): Moon
- Tatiana (tah-tee-AH-nah): Fairy queen
- Vanessa (vah-NEH-sah): Butterfly
- Zara (ZAH-rah): Princess
Gender Neutral Italian Baby Names That Mean Beautiful

Find gender-neutral Italian baby names that mean beautiful, each with its pronunciation and lovely meaning suitable for any gender:
- Adelmo (ah-DEHL-moh): Noble
- Amato (ah-MAH-toh): Beloved
- Angelo/Angela (AHN-jeh-loh/AHN-jeh-lah): Angelic
- Bellissimo (behl-LEE-see-moh): Very Beautiful
- Belo (BEH-loh): Beautiful
- Caro (KAH-roh): Dear
- Eden (EE-den): Paradise
- Fiore (FYOH-reh): Flower
- Rosario (roh-ZAH-ryo): Rosary
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