200+ Italian Boy Names with Meanings

Are you searching for a meaningful Italian boy names for your son? Your search ends here! We’ve put together a collection ranging from unique and rare to common, popular, classic, royal, short, cute, cool, strong, and good names.
Scroll down to find the perfect name for your beloved baby boy!
Table of Contents
Unique, Rare and Unpopular Italian Boy Names

Explore unique, rare, and unpopular Italian boy names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Agostino (ah-goh-STEE-noh): Revered, venerable
- Alcide (AHL-chee-deh): Might, strength
- Alvise (ahl-VEE-zeh): Wise, knowing
- Anselmo (ahn-SEHL-moh): Divine protection
- Armando (ahr-MAHN-doh): Army man
- Arsenio (ahr-SEH-nyoh): Virile, potent
- Aureliano (aw-reh-LYAH-noh): Golden, shining
- Baldassare (bahl-dahs-SAH-reh): Baal protects
- Bartolomeo (bahr-toh-loh-MEH-oh): Son of the furrow (farmer)
- Cesario (cheh-ZAH-ryo): Hairy, thick-haired
- Demetrio (deh-MEH-tree-oh): Devoted to Demeter (Greek goddess of agriculture)
- Desiderio (deh-zee-DEH-ryo): Desired, longed for
- Edmondo (ed-MOHN-doh): Wealthy protector
- Egidio (eh-JEE-dee-oh): Shield, protection
- Eligio (eh-LEE-jyoh): Chosen one
- Ermanno (ehr-MAHN-noh): Soldier
- Erminio (ehr-MEE-nyoh): Whole, universal
- Faustino (fow-STEE-noh): Fortunate, lucky
- Fedele (feh-DEH-leh): Faithful, loyal
- Feliciano (feh-lee-CHAH-noh): Lucky, fortunate
- Fiorenzo (fyoh-REN-dzoh): Blossoming, flourishing
- Fulvio (FOOL-vyoh): Tawny-haired
- Gennaro (jen-NAH-roh): January-born
- Gerardo (je-RAHR-doh): Spear brave
- Geronimo (je-ROH-nee-moh): Holy name
- Gianfranco (je-ahn-FRAHN-koh): Free man
- Giordano (jyor-DAH-noh): Flowing down
- Gregorio (greh-GOH-ryo): Watchful, alert
- Ippolito (ee-POH-lee-toh): Freer of horses
- Isidoro (ee-zee-DOH-roh): Gift of Isis (Egyptian goddess)
- Italo (EE-tah-loh): From Italy
- Lazzaro (lahts-TSAH-roh): God has helped
- Leonzio (leh-ON-dzyoh): Lion-like
- Liberato (lee-beh-RAH-toh): Liberated, free
- Ludovico (loo-doh-VEE-koh): Famous warrior
- Marzio (MAR-tsyoh): Of Mars, warlike
- Nazzareno (nahts-tsa-REH-noh): From Nazareth
- Nello (NEHL-loh): Short for Antonello or Manello
- Nerio (NEH-ryo): Sea sprite
- Orazio (oh-RAH-tsyoh): Timekeeper
- Orfeo (or-FEH-oh): Darkness, night
- Pacifico (pah-CHYEE-fee-koh): Peaceful
- Quirino (kwee-REE-noh): Spear, lance
- Raniero (rah-NYEH-roh): Advice army
- Romolo (roh-MOH-loh): Roman
- Ruggero (roo-JEH-roh): Famous spear
- Saverio (sah-VEH-ryo): New house
- Silvano (seel-VAH-noh): Of the woods
- Teofilo (teh-oh-FEE-loh): Loved by God
- Uberto (oo-BEHR-toh): Bright, shining
Discover More: 230+ Unique Italian Names with Meanings
Common and Popular Italian Boy Names
Discover common and popular Italian boy names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Adriano (ah-DREE-ah-noh): From Hadria, a town in northern Italy
- Alberto (al-BEHR-toh): Noble and bright
- Albino (ahl-BEE-noh): White, bright
- Andrea (ahn-DREH-ah): Manly, strong
- Angelo (AHN-jeh-loh): Angelic, heavenly
- Antonio (ahn-TOH-nyoh): Priceless, praiseworthy
- Benedetto (behn-eh-DEHT-toh): Blessed
- Carlo (KAHR-loh): Strong, manly
- Celio (CHEH-lyoh): Sky, heaven
- Davide (dah-VEE-deh): Beloved, friend
- Diego (dyeh-GOH): Supplanter
- Edoardo (eh-doh-AHR-doh): Wealthy guardian
- Emanuele (eh-mah-NWEH-leh): God is with us
- Enrico (ehn-REE-koh): Ruler of the home
- Fabio (FAH-byoh): Bean grower, farmer
- Federico (feh-deh-REE-koh): Peaceful ruler
- Filippo (fee-LEEP-poh): Lover of horses
- Francesco (frahn-CHEHS-koh): Free man
- Gabriele (gah-bree-EH-leh): God is my strength
- Giacomo (jah-KOH-moh): Supplanter
- Giovanni (joh-VAH-nee): God is gracious
- Giuseppe (joo-SEP-peh): God will increase
- Leandro (leh-AHN-droh): Lion man
- Leonardo (leh-oh-NAHR-doh): Brave lion
- Lorenzo (loh-REHN-zoh): Laurel-crowned
- Luca (LOO-kah): Light, illumination
- Marco (MAHR-koh): Warlike, martial
- Massimo (MAHS-see-moh): Greatest, largest
- Matteo (maht-TEH-oh): Gift of God
- Mauro (MAH-oo-roh): Dark-skinned, Moorish
- Michele (mee-KEH-leh): Who is like God?
- Nicola (nee-KOH-lah): Victory of the people
- Paolo (pah-OH-loh): Small, humble
- Remo (REH-moh): Oarsman
- Riccardo (ree-KAHR-doh): Brave ruler
- Roberto (roh-BEHR-toh): Bright fame
- Salvatore (sal-vah-TOH-reh): Savior, rescuer
- Simone (see-MOH-neh): He has heard
- Stefano (steh-FAH-noh): Crown, garland
- Tommaso (tohm-MAH-zoh): Twin
- Vincenzo (veen-CHEHN-zoh): Conquering, victorious
Discover More: 200+ Common and Popular Italian Names with Meanings
Classic Italian Boy Names

Dive into classic Italian boy names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Alessandro (ah-lehs-SAHN-droh): Defender of men
- Alessio (ah-LEH-see-oh): Defender of mankind
- Enzo (EN-zoh): Rules an estate
- Ettore (ET-toh-reh): Steadfast, resolute
- Giorgio (JOR-joh): Farmer
- Luciano (loo-CHEE-ah-no): Light, illumination
- Luigi (LOO-ee-jee): Famous warrior
- Marcello (mar-CHEL-loh): Young warrior
- Raffaele (raf-fah-EH-leh): God has healed
- Rocco (ROK-koh): Rest
- Sergio (SER-jee-oh): Servant or attendant
Royal Italian Boy Names

Explore royal Italian boy names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Alfonso (ahl-FOHN-soh): Noble and ready
- Amadeo (ah-mah-DEH-oh): Lover of God
- Amedeo (ah-MEH-deh-oh): Devoted to God
- Arturo (ahr-TOO-roh): Noble, courageous
- Cesare (CHEH-zah-reh): Long-haired, ruler
- Ferdinando (fehr-dee-NAHN-doh): Adventurous, daring
- Gian (JEE-ahn): Short for Giovanni, meaning “God is gracious”
- Leopoldo (leh-oh-POHL-doh): Bold people
- Napoleone (nah-poh-leh-OH-neh): Lion of Naples
- Ottavio (oht-TAH-vee-oh): Eighth, born in the eighth month
- Ottone (oht-TOH-neh): Wealthy, prosperous
- Raimondo (ra-EE-mon-doh): Wise protector
- Rinaldo (ree-NAHL-doh): Wise power
- Sebastiano (seh-bah-STYAH-noh): Revered, venerable
- Sigismondo (see-jeez-MOHN-doh): Victorious protector
- Tancredi (tahn-KREH-dee): Clever advisor
- Teodoro (teh-oh-DOH-roh): Gift of God
Short and Cute Italian Boy Names

Find short and cute Italian boy names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Bepi (BEH-pee): Short for Giuseppe, meaning “God will add”
- Cato (KAH-toh): Wise, shrewd
- Ciro (CHEE-roh): Sun
- Finn (FIN): Fair, white
- Fio (FEE-oh): Short for Fiore, meaning “flower”
- Gigi (JEE-jee): Nickname for Luigi, meaning “renowned warrior”
- Gio (JEE-oh): Short for Giovanni, meaning “God is gracious”
- Iago (yah-GOH): Spanish variant of James, meaning “supplanter”
- Ivo (EE-voh): Yew wood, archer
- Leo (LEE-oh): Lion
- Lino (LEE-noh): Flaxen-haired, linen worker
- Mario (MAH-ree-oh): Masculine, warrior-like
- Massi (MAH-see): Short for Massimiliano, meaning “greatest”
- Milo (MEE-loh): Soldier, merciful
- Nino (NEE-noh): God is gracious
- Pio (PEE-oh): Pious, devout
- Rafi (RAH-fee): Exalted, noble
- Raul (RAOOL): Wise wolf
- Ravi (RAH-vee): Sun
- Rico (REE-koh): Strong ruler
- Santo (SAN-toh): Saintly, holy
- Sven (SVEN): Young man, youth
- Teo (TEH-oh): Short for Theodore, gift of God
- Tino (TEE-noh): Little giant, small
- Vico (VEE-koh): Village, dwelling
- Vito (VEE-toh): Life, lively
- Zane (ZAYN): God is gracious
- Zeno (ZEE-noh): Gift of Zeus
- Zio (ZEE-oh): Uncle, kinship
Cool Italian Boy Names

Discover cool Italian boy names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Bellino (beh-LEE-noh): Handsome, beautiful
- Bruno (BROO-noh): Brown-haired, brown-eyed
- Elia (EH-lee-ah): The Lord is my God
- Elio (EH-lyoh): Sunlight, shining light
- Gavino (gah-VEE-noh): White hawk
- Gianluca (jahn-LOO-kah): God is gracious
- Gianni (JAH-nee): God is gracious
- Kai (KY): Ocean, sea
- Max (MAKS): Greatest
- Nico (NEE-koh): Short for Nicholas, victory of the people
- Pietro (pyeh-troh): Rock, stone
- Romeo (ROH-may-oh): Pilgrim to Rome, romantic hero
- Sandro (SAHN-droh): Defender of mankind
- Santino (sahn-TEE-noh): Little saint, holy
- Silvio (SEEL-vee-oh): Forest, woods
- Taddeo (tah-DAY-oh): Praise, gift of God
- Valerio (vah-LEH-ryo): Strong, healthy
Strong Italian Boy Names

Explore strong Italian boy names, each with its pronunciation and powerful meaning:
- Alarico (ah-lah-REE-koh): Ruler of all
- Aldo (AHL-doh): Old and wise
- Battista (bah-TEES-tah): Baptizer, referring to John the Baptist
- Corrado (kohr-RAH-doh): Bold advisor
- Cosimo (koh-ZEE-moh): Order, harmony
- Dino (DEE-noh): Little sword, strong, powerful
- Donato (doh-NAH-toh): Gift, given by God
- Ezio (EH-tsyoh): Eagle, symbol of strength and freedom
- Fabrizio (fah-BREET-syoh): Craftsman, skillful
- Ferruccio (feh-ROO-choh): Little iron, strong and enduring
- Giancarlo (jahn-KAR-loh): God is gracious
- Gino (JEE-noh): Short for Luigi, meaning renowned warrior
- Guido (GWEED-oh): Guide, leader
- Ignazio (een-NAT-syoh): Fiery, passionate
- Leone (leh-OH-neh): Lion, symbolizing strength
- Nereo (NEH-reh-oh): From the sea, water
- Orlando (ohr-LAHN-doh): Famous throughout the land
- Renzo (REHN-zoh): Laurel wreath, symbolizing victory
- Rodolfo (roh-DOL-foh): Famous wolf
- Tullio (TOOL-lyoh): Very strong, powerful
- Umberto (oom-BEHR-toh): Bright warrior
- Valentino (vah-lehn-TEE-noh): Strong, healthy
- Vittorio (veet-TOR-ee-oh): Victor, conqueror
Good Italian Boy Names

Find good Italian boy names, each with its pronunciation and positive meaning:
- Adelmo (ah-DEL-moh): Noble protector
- Alberico (ahl-BEH-ree-koh): Noble ruler
- Aldoardo (ahl-DOH-ahr-doh): Noble and strong
- Arcadio (ahr-KAH-dyoh): Ancient and noble
- Attilio (ah-TEEL-yoh): Of noble rank
- Bonaventura (boh-nah-ven-TOO-rah): Good fortune, lucky
- Celso (CHEHL-soh): High, noble
- Cristiano (kree-STYAH-no): Follower of Christ
- Dante (DAHN-teh): Enduring
- Dario (DAH-ree-oh): Upholder of the good
- Emilio (eh-MEE-lyoh): Industrious, striving
- Gabriel (GAY-bree-ehl): God is my strength
- Niccolò (nee-KOH-loh): Victory of the people
- Renato (reh-NAH-toh): Reborn, renewed
- Ugo (OO-goh): Mind, spirit