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395+ Best Italian Cat Names

395+ Best Italian Cat Names

Looking for the purr-fect Italian cat names? Our list of Italian nicknames for cats has everything from cute, popular cat names to cat-themed words. We also have names inspired by colors, nature, flowers, Italian cuisines, famous places in Italy, and even names inspired by famous Italians.

Cat Themed Words in Italian

Here are some cat-themed words in Italian along with their English translations:

  1. Ciuffo – Tuft
  2. Coda – Tail
  3. Felino – Feline
  4. Fusa – Purr
  5. Gattaiola – Cat flap
  6. Gattara – Cat lady
  7. Gattino/Gattina – Kitten (Gattino for male, Gattina for female)
  8. Gatto – Cat
  9. Graffio – Scratch
  10. Miao – Meow
  11. Micio – Kitty
  12. Micione – Big cat
  13. Pelo – Fur
  14. Ronroneo – Purring
  15. Zampa – Paw

    Male Italian Cat Names

    Here are some male Italian cat names, along with their meanings:

    1. Aldo – Old
    2. Alessandro – Defender of mankind
    3. Alonzo – Ready for battle
    4. Ambrosi – Immortal
    5. Andre – Manly
    6. Angelo – Angel
    7. Antonio – Priceless
    8. Arturo – Bear
    9. Aurelio – Golden
    10. Bambi – Child
    11. Baptiste – Baptizer
    12. Bruno – Brown
    13. Caesar – Long-haired
    14. Carlo – Free man
    15. Castello – Castle
    16. Cesare – Hairy
    17. Colombo – Dove
    18. Corrado – Bold counselor
    19. Dante – Enduring
    20. Diego – Supplanter
    21. Domenico – Belonging to the Lord
    22. Donatello – Gift of God
    23. Egidio – Shield
    24. Elio – Sun
    25. Elmo – Protector
    26. Enrico – Ruler of the household
    27. Enzo – Winner
    28. Ernesto – Serious
    29. Ettore – Steadfast
    30. Fabio – Bean grower
    31. Federico – Peaceful ruler
    32. Filippo – Friend of horses
    33. Flavio – Golden-haired
    34. Francesco – Frenchman
    35. Franco – Free man
    36. Furbo – Clever
    37. Giacomo – Supplanter
    38. Gian – God is gracious
    39. Gianfranco – Free man of God
    40. Gianni – God is gracious
    41. Gino – Well-born
    42. Giorgio – Farmer
    43. Giovanni – God is gracious
    44. Giuliano – Youthful
    45. Giuseppe – God will add
    46. Guido – Guide
    47. Ignazio – Fiery
    48. Ilario – Cheerful
    49. Leo – Lion
    50. Leone – Lion
    51. Lorenzo – Laurel
    52. Luca – Bringer of light
    53. Lucio – Light
    54. Luigi – Famous warrior
    55. Lupo – Wolf
    56. Marco – Warlike
    57. Mario – Warrior
    58. Martino – Warrior of Mars
    59. Massimo – Greatest
    60. Matteo – Gift of God
    61. Mattia – Gift of God
    62. Mauro – Dark-skinned
    63. Michelangelo – Who is like God
    64. Paisano – Countryman
    65. Paolo – Small
    66. Pascal – Easter child
    67. Pasquale – Easter
    68. Piero – Rock
    69. Pietro – Rock
    70. Pippino – Horse lover
    71. Primo – First
    72. Raffaele – God has healed
    73. Renzo – Laurel wreath
    74. Riccardo – Brave ruler
    75. Rico – Dominant ruler
    76. Rinaldo – Wise power
    77. Rocco – Rock
    78. Rodolfo – Famous wolf
    79. Romano – Roman
    80. Romeo – Pilgrim to Rome
    81. Sal – Savior
    82. Salvatore – Savior
    83. Santo – Saint
    84. Sergio – Guardian
    85. Terzo – Third
    86. Tino – Small
    87. Tito – Honored
    88. Tomasso – Twin
    89. Ugo – Thinker
    90. Umberto – Bright warrior
    91. Ursel – Bear
    92. Valentino – Brave
    93. Vincenzo – Conquering
    94. Vito – Life

    Female Italian Cat Names

    Here are some female Italian cat names, along with their meanings:

    1. Alessia – Defending warrior
    2. Allegra – Joyful
    3. Alonza – Ready for battle
    4. Amalea – Hardworking
    5. Amara – Grace
    6. Amore – Love
    7. Antonia – Priceless
    8. Aria – Melody
    9. Ariana – Holy
    10. Aurora – Dawn
    11. Azzurra – Blue
    12. Bambi – Child
    13. Beatrice – Blessed
    14. Belinda – Beautiful serpent
    15. Bella – Beautiful
    16. Belladonna – Beautiful woman
    17. Bellezza – Beauty
    18. Bellissa – Very beautiful
    19. Bellissima – Very beautiful
    20. Benedetta – Blessed
    21. Bianca – White
    22. Cadenza – Rhythm
    23. Caprice – Whim
    24. Carabelle – Beloved
    25. Carina – Beloved
    26. Carlotta – Free man
    27. Carmela – Orchard
    28. Carmen – Song
    29. Catarina – Pure
    30. Cinzia – From Mount Kynthos
    31. Cira – Sun
    32. Clarice – Bright
    33. Constanza – Constant
    34. Diva – Goddess
    35. Dolce – Sweet
    36. Dona – Lady
    37. Donna – Lady
    38. Elda – Battle
    39. Elena – Bright, shining light
    40. Elisa – God is my oath
    41. Evelina – Wished for child
    42. Fatina – Fairy
    43. Federica – Peaceful ruler
    44. Flavia – Golden
    45. Francesca – Free
    46. Gaia – Earth
    47. Gemma – Gemstone
    48. Giada – Jade
    49. Ginevra – White wave
    50. Giulia – Youthful
    51. Giulietta – Youthful
    52. Grazia – Grace
    53. Isabella – God is my oath
    54. Livia – Blue
    55. Lucia – Light
    56. Ludovica – Famous warrior
    57. Luisa – Famous warrior
    58. Luna – Moon
    59. Lunetta – Little moon
    60. Maria – Bitter or beloved
    61. Marta – Lady
    62. Martina – Lady
    63. Miele – Honey
    64. Mirabella – Wondrous beauty
    65. Mona – Lady
    66. Narcisa – Narcissus flower
    67. Noemi – Beautiful or my delight
    68. Octavia – Eighth
    69. Olympia – From Mount Olympus
    70. Paola – Small
    71. Piapious – Pious
    72. Pietra – Stone
    73. Pippa – Lover of horses
    74. Rachele – Ewe
    75. Regina – Queen
    76. Renata – Reborn
    77. Rosa – Rose
    78. Rosalia – Rose
    79. Rosetta – Rose
    80. Rufina – Red-haired
    81. Serafina – Seraphim or angel
    82. Serena – Serene
    83. Sofia – Wisdom
    84. Speranza – Hope
    85. Stella – Star
    86. Trista – Sad or sorrowful
    87. Valentina – Strong or healthy
    88. Viola – Violet
    89. Vita – Life
    90. Vittoria – Victory
    91. Viviana – Alive or lively
    92. Volante – Flying or swift

    Italian Black Cat Names

    Here are some Italian-inspired names that might be the perfect fit for your black cat:

    1. Carbone – Coal
    2. Eclisse – Eclipse
    3. Fosco – Gloomy
    4. Fumo – Smoke
    5. Luna – Moon
    6. Mela – Blackberry
    7. Mezzanotte – Midnight
    8. Nero – Black
    9. Notte – Night
    10. Nottola – Night owl
    11. Ombra – Shadow
    12. Onice – Onyx
    13. Oscura – Dark
    14. Scuro – Dark
    15. Sombra – Shadow (variation in Spanish)
    16. Stella – Star
    17. Strega – Witch
    18. Tenebra – Darkness
    19. Tenebro – Gloom
    20. Umbra – Shadow or shade

    Italian White Cat Names

    Here are some Italian-inspired names that might be the perfect fit for your white cat:

    1. Bianca – White
    2. Chiaro – Clear or light
    3. Cristallo – Crystal
    4. Gelo – Frost
    5. Luce – Light
    6. Luna – Moon
    7. Neve – Snow
    8. Nuvola – Cloud
    9. Perla – Pearl
    10. Stella – Star
    11. Seta – Silk
    12. Spuma – Foam
    13. Zucchero – Sugar

    Italian Orange Cat Names

    Here are some Italian-inspired names that might be the perfect fit for your orange cat:

    1. Ambra – Amber
    2. Arancio – Orange
    3. Caramella – Candy
    4. Ciocco – Chocolate
    5. Dorato – Golden
    6. Fiamma – Flame
    7. Fulvo – Tawny
    8. Miele – Honey
    9. Sole – Sun
    10. Zenzero – Ginger

    Cute Italian Cat Names

    Here are some cute Italian cat names:

    1. Amore – Love
    2. Bella – Beautiful
    3. Biscotto – Biscuit
    4. Ciuffo – Tuft
    5. Dolce – Sweet
    6. Fiamma – Flame
    7. Gioia – Joy
    8. Luna – Moon
    9. Micio – Kitty
    10. Miele – Honey
    11. Nuvola – Cloud
    12. Pallina – Little ball
    13. Pancetta – Bacon
    14. Pasticcio – Mess
    15. Pecorina – Little sheep (term of endearment)
    16. Picio – Little one
    17. Puffo – Smurf
    18. Pulce – Flea (ironically cute)
    19. Sogno – Dream
    20. Sole – Sun
    21. Stellina – Little star
    22. Tigro – Tiger
    23. Topo – Mouse
    24. Zampa – Paw
    25. Zucchero – Sugar

    Here are some popular cat names in Italy:

    1. Bella – Beautiful
    2. Bianca – White
    3. Cleo – Short form of Cleopatra
    4. Coco – Short and sweet
    5. Gatto – Cat
    6. Leo – Lion
    7. Lulu – Cute and playful
    8. Luna – Moon
    9. Micia – Endearing term for a female cat
    10. Micio – Endearing term for a male cat
    11. Milo – Short and catchy
    12. Mimi – Sweet and simple
    13. Minnie – Cute and classic
    14. Nala – Lioness character from The Lion King
    15. Nero – Black
    16. Oliver – Classic and timeless
    17. Luna – Moon
    18. Romeo – Inspired by the romantic character
    19. Simba – Lion character from The Lion King
    20. Stella – Star
    21. Tigger – Energetic and playful
    22. Toby – Friendly and approachable
    23. Tom – Classic and straightforward
    24. Tigre – Tiger
    25. Zoe – Short and trendy

    Nature-Inspired Italian Cat Names

    Here are some Italian cat names inspired by nature:

    1. Acqua – Water
    2. Aurora – Dawn
    3. Bosco – Forest
    4. Brina – Frost
    5. Cielo – Sky
    6. Fiore – Flower
    7. Folletto – Elf
    8. Ghiaccio – Ice
    9. Luce – Light
    10. Luna – Moon
    11. Nebbia – Fog
    12. Nuvola – Cloud
    13. Oceano – Ocean
    14. Pietra – Stone
    15. Prato – Meadow
    16. Radice – Root
    17. Sogno – Dream
    18. Sole – Sun
    19. Stellina – Little star
    20. Tempesta – Storm
    21. Terra – Earth
    22. Tigro – Tiger
    23. Torrente – Stream
    24. Vento – Wind
    25. Volpe – Fox

    Italian Cat Names from Flowers

    Here are some Italian cat names inspired by flowers:

    1. Amaranto – Amaranth
    2. Anemone – Anemone
    3. Camelia – Camellia
    4. Ciclamino – Cyclamen
    5. Dalia – Dahlia
    6. Erica – Heather
    7. Fiordaliso – Cornflower
    8. Gardenia – Gardenia
    9. Gelsomino – Jasmine
    10. Girasole – Sunflower
    11. Iris – Iris
    12. Lillà – Lilac
    13. Magnolia – Magnolia
    14. Margherita – Daisy
    15. Narciso – Narcissus
    16. Ortensia – Hydrangea
    17. Papavero – Poppy
    18. Peonia – Peony
    19. Primula – Primrose
    20. Rosa – Rose
    21. Tulipano – Tulip
    22. Verbena – Verbena
    23. Violetta – Violet
    24. Zinnia – Zinnia
    25. Zucchina – Zucchini flower (a playful twist on a flower name)

    Cat Names Based on Famous Places in Italy

    Here are some Italian cat names inspired by Italy’s renowned cities, regions, and landmarks:

    1. Amalfi – Named after a beautiful coastal town
    2. Capri – Inspired by a stunning island in the Mediterranean
    3. Cinque Terre – Perfect for an adventurous cat
    4. Florence – Reflecting elegance and culture
    5. Lake Como – Suitable for a serene and majestic cat
    6. Milan – Reflecting sophistication and style
    7. Naples – Perfect for a lively and spirited cat
    8. Pisa – Inspired by iconic leaning tower
    9. Positano – Suitable for a sunny and cheerful cat
    10. Rome – Reflecting grandeur and history
    11. Sardinia – Perfect for a wild and adventurous cat
    12. Sicily – Inspired by diverse culture and stunning landscapes
    13. Tuscany – Suitable for a refined and cultured cat
    14. Venice – Reflecting romance and mystique
    15. Verona – Perfect for a passionate cat

    Cat Names Inspired By Italian Food and Drink

    Here are some Italian cat names inspired by Italian food:

    1. Amaretto – Inspired by sweet almond liqueur
    2. Arancini – Reflecting Italian rice balls
    3. Biscotti – Named after almond biscuits
    4. Calzone – Inspired by folded pizza
    5. Caprese – Named after tomato-mozzarella salad
    6. Carbonara – Reflecting classic pasta dish
    7. Cannoli – Inspired by sweet ricotta pastry
    8. Chianti – Named after renowned red wine
    9. Espresso – Reflecting strong Italian coffee
    10. Gelato – Inspired by Italian ice cream
    11. Grappa – Named after grape-based brandy
    12. Limoncello – Reflecting lemon liqueur
    13. Margherita – Inspired by classic pizza
    14. Mozzarella – Named after popular cheese
    15. Panna Cotta – Reflecting creamy dessert
    16. Pesto – Inspired by basil sauce
    17. Prosecco – Named after sparkling wine
    18. Ravioli – Reflecting filled pasta
    19. Risotto – Inspired by creamy rice dish
    20. Tiramisu – Named after classic dessert

    Cat Names Inspired by Famous Italians

    Here are some cat names inspired by renowned Italians:

    1. Caravaggio – Named after a dramatic painter
    2. Dante – Inspired by a famous poet
    3. Enrico – Named after a physicist
    4. Fellini – Inspired by a film director
    5. Galileo – Named after an astronomer
    6. Giotto – Named after a painter
    7. Leonardo – Inspired by a polymath
    8. Marco – Named after an explorer
    9. Michelangelo – Inspired by an artist
    10. Niccolò – Named after a philosopher
    11. Pavarotti – Inspired by an opera singer
    12. Raphael – Named after a painter
    13. Romulus – Named after a mythological figure
    14. Rossini – Inspired by a composer
    15. Sophia – Named after an actress
    16. Totti – Inspired by a footballer
    17. Verdi – Named after a composer
    18. Vespucci – Inspired by an explorer
    19. Volta – Named after a physicist

    Also Read: 100+ Cool Nicknames for Best Friend


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