180+ Italian Girl Names with Meanings (Unique, Common, Royal, Cute, Cool)

Looking for the perfect Italian girl names for your daughter? We’ve gathered a diverse selection just for you! From rare finds to beloved classics, including unique, popular, traditional, royal, cute, pretty, cool, beautiful, and good names, we’ve got it all covered.
Explore these Italian names to find the perfect name for your little girl.
Table of Contents
Unique, Rare and Unpopular Italian Girl Names

Explore unique, rare, and unpopular Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Adelasia (ah-deh-LAH-zee-ah): Noble, Serene
- Amadea (ah-mah-DEH-ah): Beloved of God
- Annunziata (ahn-noon-TSYAH-tah): Announced, Heralded
- Benigna (beh-NEEN-yah): Kind, Gentle
- Benvenuta (behn-veh-NOO-tah): Welcome, Appreciated
- Calandra (kah-LAHN-drah): Lark, Songbird
- Candida (KAN-dee-dah): Bright, Pure
- Carissima (kah-REES-sim-ah): Dearest, Beloved
- Dafne (DAHF-neh): Laurel, Symbol of victory
- Desideria (deh-zee-DEH-ree-ah): Desired, Cherished
- Donata (doh-NAH-tah): Given, Bestowed
- Ersilia (ehr-SEE-lyah): Delicate, Refined
- Euphemia (yoo-FEE-mee-ah): Well-spoken, Articulate
- Fortunata (for-too-NAH-tah): Fortunate, Lucky
- Fosca (FOHS-kah): Dark, Gloomy
- Gelsomina (jel-soh-MEE-nah): Jasmine, Symbol of purity
- Ghita (GEE-tah): Pearl, Precious gem
- Gianetta (jah-NEH-tah): God is gracious
- Gioconda (joh-KON-dah): Happy, Joyful
- Iolanda (yoh-LAHN-dah): Violet, Symbol of modesty
- Leandra (lee-AHN-drah): Brave lioness
- Lucasta (loo-KAH-stah): Splendid light
- Luigia (loo-YEE-jyah): Renowned warrior
- Malvina (mahl-VEE-nah): Smooth brow, Gentle
- Marcellina (mahr-chel-LEE-nah): Little warrior
- Melisenda (meh-lee-SEN-dah): Honey-sweet
- Nerida (neh-REE-dah): Sea nymph
- Ninetta (nee-NEH-tah): Little girl, Tiny
- Petronilla (peh-troh-NEEL-lah): Rock, Stone
- Primavera (pree-mah-VEH-rah): Springtime
- Quintilia (kwin-TEEL-yah): Fifth-born
- Raffaela (rah-fah-eh-LAH): God has healed
- Rosalba (roh-ZAHL-bah): White rose
- Rosalina (roh-zah-LEE-nah): Tender rose
- Sabrina (sah-BREE-nah): From the river Severn
- Sibilla (see-BEEL-lah): Prophetess, Oracle
- Speranza (speh-RAHN-tsah): Hope, Expectation
- Tosca (TOHS-kah): From Tuscany, Italy
- Umiltà (oo-MEEL-tah): Humility, Modesty
- Valeriana (vah-leh-ree-AH-nah): Strong, Vigorous
- Velia (VEH-lee-ah): Bright, Lively
- Violante (vyoh-LAHN-teh): Violet, Symbol of modesty
- Vitalia (vee-TAH-lee-ah): Full of life, Vital
Common and Popular Italian Girl Names

Discover common and popular Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Alessia (ah-LEH-see-ah): Defender
- Alice (AH-lees): Noble
- Anna (AH-nah): Grace
- Arianna (ah-ree-AHN-nah): Holy
- Aurora (ah-ROHR-ah): Dawn
- Beatrice (BEE-ah-tris): Voyager
- Bianca (BYAHN-kah): White, Pure
- Camilla (kah-MEEL-lah): Young ceremonial attendant
- Caterina (kah-teh-REE-nah): Pure
- Chiara (kee-AH-rah): Bright, Clear
- Clara (KLAH-rah): Clear, Bright
- Concetta (kohn-CHEHT-tah): Conceived
- Elena (eh-LEH-nah): Bright, Shining light
- Elisa (eh-LEE-zah): God is my oath
- Emma (EH-mah): Universal
- Eva (EH-vah): Life
- Francesca (fran-CHEHS-kah): Free
- Giorgia (JOR-jah): Farmer
- Giulia (JOOL-yah): Youthful
- Isabella (ee-ZAH-behl-lah): God is my oath
- Laura (LAWR-ah): Laurel
- Lucia (LOO-chee-ah): Light
- Ludovica (loo-doh-VEE-kah): Famous warrior
- Luna (LOO-nah): Moon
- Martina (mahr-TEE-nah): Warlike
- Matilda (mah-TEEL-dah): Battle-mighty
- Nina (NEE-nah): Little girl
- Paola (PAW-lah): Small
- Rosa (ROH-zah): Rose
- Serena (seh-REH-nah): Serene, Calm
- Silvia (SEEL-vyah): Forest
- Sofia (SOH-fee-ah): Wisdom
- Valentina (vah-lehn-TEE-nah): Strong, Healthy
- Valeria (vah-LEH-ryah): Strength
- Veronica (veh-ROH-nee-kah): True image
Royal Italian Girl Names

Explore royal Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Adelaide (AD-uh-layd): Noble, Kind
- Alberta (al-BUR-tah): Noble, Bright
- Anastasia (ah-nah-STAY-zhuh): Resurrection, Rebirth
- Antonia (ahn-TOH-nee-ah): Priceless, Praiseworthy
- Filomena (fee-loh-MEH-nah): Beloved, Friend of strength
- Isotta (ee-ZOT-tah): Gift of God, Rich
- Leonora (lee-uh-NOR-uh): Light, Compassion
- Romilda (roh-MEEL-dah): Famous battle, Powerful protector
- Sara (SAH-rah): Princess
- Serafina (seh-rah-FEE-nah): Fiery, Burning one
- Seraphina (seh-rah-FEE-nah): Fiery, Ardent
- Zara (ZAH-rah): Princess
Cute and Pretty Italian Girl Names

Find cute and pretty Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Alba (AHL-bah): Dawn, Sunrise
- Allegra (ah-LEH-grah): Joyful, Lively
- Amalia (ah-MAH-lee-ah): Industrious, Hardworking
- Annamaria (ahn-nah-mah-REE-ah): Graceful, Beloved
- Antonietta (ahn-toh-NYEH-tah): Priceless, Inestimable
- Aria (AH-ree-ah): Melody, Song
- Carlotta (kahr-LOHT-tah): Free, Strong
- Celia (SEH-lee-ah): Heaven
- Dahlia (DAH-lee-ah): Dahlia flower
- Delfina (del-FEE-nah): Dolphin
- Fiora (fee-OH-rah): Flower
- Fiorella (fyoh-REHL-lah): Little flower
- Flora (FLAW-rah): Flower
- Gemma (JEM-ah): Gem, Jewel
- Giada (JYAH-dah): Jade
- Gioia (JOY-ah): Joy
- Giulietta (joo-lee-ET-tah): Youthful, Lively
- Ilaria (ee-LAH-ree-ah): Joyful, Cheerful
- Isolina (ee-soh-LEE-nah): Little island
- Lavinia (lah-VEE-nee-ah): Purified, Cleansed
- Lia (LEE-ah): Weary, Tired
- Liliana (lee-lee-AH-nah): Lily
- Marina (mah-REE-nah): Of the sea
- Matilde (mah-TEEL-deh): Battle-mighty
- Mia (MEE-ah): Mine
- Noemi (noh-EH-mee): Pleasantness
- Ornella (or-NEHL-lah): Flowering ash tree
- Ottavia (ot-TAH-vee-ah): Eighth-born
- Renata (reh-NAH-tah): Reborn
- Tessa (TEH-sah): Harvest
- Viola (vee-OH-lah): Violet
- Violetta (vee-oh-LET-tah): Little violet
- Viviana (vee-vee-AH-nah): Alive, Lively
- Zita (ZEE-tah): Little girl
Cool Italian Girl Names

Discover cool Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Cassandra (ka-SAN-drah): She who entangles men
- Cosima (koh-SEE-mah): Order, Harmony
- Damiana (dah-mee-AH-nah): Tame, Domesticated
- Donatella (doh-nah-TEHL-lah): Gift
- Elara (eh-LAH-rah): Bright, Shining
- Elettra (eh-LEH-trah): Bright, Shining
- Esperanza (es-peh-RAHN-sah): Hope
- Fiamma (FYAHM-mah): Flame
- Gaia (GUY-ah): Earth mother
- Iris (EYE-ris): Rainbow
- Marcella (mahr-CHEHL-lah): Little warrior
- Mirabella (mi-rah-BEH-lah): Wonderful
- Mirella (mee-REHL-lah): To admire
- Nerina (neh-REE-nah): Sea nymph
- Pia (PEE-ah): Pious
- Querida (keh-REE-dah): Beloved
- Quintina (kwin-TEE-nah): Fifth-born
- Roma (ROH-mah): Rome
- Sancia (SAN-chah): Sacred
- Serenella (seh-reh-NEHL-lah): Serene
- Sveva (SVEH-vah): From the Sabines
- Teodora (teh-oh-DOH-rah): Gift of God
- Vincenzina (veen-CHEN-tsee-nah): Conqueror
Beautiful Italian Girl Names

Explore beautiful Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and graceful beauty:
- Anabella (ah-nah-BEH-lah): Beautiful, Graceful
- Belladonna (beh-lah-DOH-nah): Beautiful lady
- Bellina (behl-LEE-nah): Beautiful
- Calista (kah-LEE-stah): Most beautiful
- Camellia (kah-MEH-lee-ah): Evergreen flowering plant
- Fiorenza (fyoh-REN-tsah): Blooming, Flourishing
- Giuliana (joo-lee-AH-nah): Youthful, Downy
- Liora (lee-OH-rah): Light
- Luciana (loo-CHEE-ah-nah): Light
- Marisabella (mah-ree-zah-BEHL-lah): Beautiful sea
- Perla (PEHR-lah): Pearl
- Stella (STEL-lah): Star
- Tullia (TOOL-yah): Peaceful, Tranquil
- Xanthe (ZAN-thee): Blonde, Yellow-haired
Good Italian Girl Names

Find good Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:
- Adelina (ah-deh-LEE-nah): Noble, Kind
- Carina (kah-REE-nah): Beloved, Dear one
- Carmela (kar-MEH-lah): Garden, Orchard
- Daria (DAH-ree-ah): Upholder of the good, Wealthy
- Flavia (FLAH-vee-ah): Blonde, Golden-haired
- Irene (eye-REEN): Peace
- Lara (LAH-rah): Cheerful, Light-hearted
- Marta (MAHR-tah): Lady, Mistress
- Mila (MEE-lah): Gracious, Dear
- Nadia (NAH-dee-ah): Hope, Eager
- Olivia (oh-LIV-ee-ah): Olive tree, Symbol of peace
- Patrizia (pah-TREET-syah): Noble, Patrician
- Rachele (rah-KEH-leh): Ewe, Lamb
- Siena (see-EH-nah): From Siena, Italy; Red-orange color
- Talia (TAH-lee-ah): Blooming, Flourishing
- Vera (VEH-rah): True, Genuine
- Zaira (ZAY-rah): Rose, Flower
- Zenobia (zeh-NOH-bee-ah): Zeus’s life, strength of Zeus
- Zoe (ZOH-ee): Life
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