Explore the Meanings of 6000+
Exquisite Italian Names

180+ Italian Girl Names with Meanings (Unique, Common, Royal, Cute, Cool)

180+ Italian Girl Names with Meanings (Unique, Common, Royal, Cute, Cool)

Looking for the perfect Italian girl names for your daughter? We’ve gathered a diverse selection just for you! From rare finds to beloved classics, including unique, popular, traditional, royal, cute, pretty, cool, beautiful, and good names, we’ve got it all covered.

Explore these Italian names to find the perfect name for your little girl.

Unique, Rare and Unpopular Italian Girl Names

Explore unique, rare, and unpopular Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Adelasia (ah-deh-LAH-zee-ah): Noble, Serene
  2. Amadea (ah-mah-DEH-ah): Beloved of God
  3. Annunziata (ahn-noon-TSYAH-tah): Announced, Heralded
  4. Benigna (beh-NEEN-yah): Kind, Gentle
  5. Benvenuta (behn-veh-NOO-tah): Welcome, Appreciated
  6. Calandra (kah-LAHN-drah): Lark, Songbird
  7. Candida (KAN-dee-dah): Bright, Pure
  8. Carissima (kah-REES-sim-ah): Dearest, Beloved
  9. Dafne (DAHF-neh): Laurel, Symbol of victory
  10. Desideria (deh-zee-DEH-ree-ah): Desired, Cherished
  11. Donata (doh-NAH-tah): Given, Bestowed
  12. Ersilia (ehr-SEE-lyah): Delicate, Refined
  13. Euphemia (yoo-FEE-mee-ah): Well-spoken, Articulate
  14. Fortunata (for-too-NAH-tah): Fortunate, Lucky
  15. Fosca (FOHS-kah): Dark, Gloomy
  16. Gelsomina (jel-soh-MEE-nah): Jasmine, Symbol of purity
  17. Ghita (GEE-tah): Pearl, Precious gem
  18. Gianetta (jah-NEH-tah): God is gracious
  19. Gioconda (joh-KON-dah): Happy, Joyful
  20. Iolanda (yoh-LAHN-dah): Violet, Symbol of modesty
  21. Leandra (lee-AHN-drah): Brave lioness
  22. Lucasta (loo-KAH-stah): Splendid light
  23. Luigia (loo-YEE-jyah): Renowned warrior
  24. Malvina (mahl-VEE-nah): Smooth brow, Gentle
  25. Marcellina (mahr-chel-LEE-nah): Little warrior
  26. Melisenda (meh-lee-SEN-dah): Honey-sweet
  27. Nerida (neh-REE-dah): Sea nymph
  28. Ninetta (nee-NEH-tah): Little girl, Tiny
  29. Petronilla (peh-troh-NEEL-lah): Rock, Stone
  30. Primavera (pree-mah-VEH-rah): Springtime
  31. Quintilia (kwin-TEEL-yah): Fifth-born
  32. Raffaela (rah-fah-eh-LAH): God has healed
  33. Rosalba (roh-ZAHL-bah): White rose
  34. Rosalina (roh-zah-LEE-nah): Tender rose
  35. Sabrina (sah-BREE-nah): From the river Severn
  36. Sibilla (see-BEEL-lah): Prophetess, Oracle
  37. Speranza (speh-RAHN-tsah): Hope, Expectation
  38. Tosca (TOHS-kah): From Tuscany, Italy
  39. Umiltà (oo-MEEL-tah): Humility, Modesty
  40. Valeriana (vah-leh-ree-AH-nah): Strong, Vigorous
  41. Velia (VEH-lee-ah): Bright, Lively
  42. Violante (vyoh-LAHN-teh): Violet, Symbol of modesty
  43. Vitalia (vee-TAH-lee-ah): Full of life, Vital

Discover common and popular Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Alessia (ah-LEH-see-ah): Defender
  2. Alice (AH-lees): Noble
  3. Anna (AH-nah): Grace
  4. Arianna (ah-ree-AHN-nah): Holy
  5. Aurora (ah-ROHR-ah): Dawn
  6. Beatrice (BEE-ah-tris): Voyager
  7. Bianca (BYAHN-kah): White, Pure
  8. Camilla (kah-MEEL-lah): Young ceremonial attendant
  9. Caterina (kah-teh-REE-nah): Pure
  10. Chiara (kee-AH-rah): Bright, Clear
  11. Clara (KLAH-rah): Clear, Bright
  12. Concetta (kohn-CHEHT-tah): Conceived
  13. Elena (eh-LEH-nah): Bright, Shining light
  14. Elisa (eh-LEE-zah): God is my oath
  15. Emma (EH-mah): Universal
  16. Eva (EH-vah): Life
  17. Francesca (fran-CHEHS-kah): Free
  18. Giorgia (JOR-jah): Farmer
  19. Giulia (JOOL-yah): Youthful
  20. Isabella (ee-ZAH-behl-lah): God is my oath
  21. Laura (LAWR-ah): Laurel
  22. Lucia (LOO-chee-ah): Light
  23. Ludovica (loo-doh-VEE-kah): Famous warrior
  24. Luna (LOO-nah): Moon
  25. Martina (mahr-TEE-nah): Warlike
  26. Matilda (mah-TEEL-dah): Battle-mighty
  27. Nina (NEE-nah): Little girl
  28. Paola (PAW-lah): Small
  29. Rosa (ROH-zah): Rose
  30. Serena (seh-REH-nah): Serene, Calm
  31. Silvia (SEEL-vyah): Forest
  32. Sofia (SOH-fee-ah): Wisdom
  33. Valentina (vah-lehn-TEE-nah): Strong, Healthy
  34. Valeria (vah-LEH-ryah): Strength
  35. Veronica (veh-ROH-nee-kah): True image

Royal Italian Girl Names

Explore royal Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Adelaide (AD-uh-layd): Noble, Kind
  2. Alberta (al-BUR-tah): Noble, Bright
  3. Anastasia (ah-nah-STAY-zhuh): Resurrection, Rebirth
  4. Antonia (ahn-TOH-nee-ah): Priceless, Praiseworthy
  5. Filomena (fee-loh-MEH-nah): Beloved, Friend of strength
  6. Isotta (ee-ZOT-tah): Gift of God, Rich
  7. Leonora (lee-uh-NOR-uh): Light, Compassion
  8. Romilda (roh-MEEL-dah): Famous battle, Powerful protector
  9. Sara (SAH-rah): Princess
  10. Serafina (seh-rah-FEE-nah): Fiery, Burning one
  11. Seraphina (seh-rah-FEE-nah): Fiery, Ardent
  12. Zara (ZAH-rah): Princess

Cute and Pretty Italian Girl Names

Find cute and pretty Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Alba (AHL-bah): Dawn, Sunrise
  2. Allegra (ah-LEH-grah): Joyful, Lively
  3. Amalia (ah-MAH-lee-ah): Industrious, Hardworking
  4. Annamaria (ahn-nah-mah-REE-ah): Graceful, Beloved
  5. Antonietta (ahn-toh-NYEH-tah): Priceless, Inestimable
  6. Aria (AH-ree-ah): Melody, Song
  7. Carlotta (kahr-LOHT-tah): Free, Strong
  8. Celia (SEH-lee-ah): Heaven
  9. Dahlia (DAH-lee-ah): Dahlia flower
  10. Delfina (del-FEE-nah): Dolphin
  11. Fiora (fee-OH-rah): Flower
  12. Fiorella (fyoh-REHL-lah): Little flower
  13. Flora (FLAW-rah): Flower
  14. Gemma (JEM-ah): Gem, Jewel
  15. Giada (JYAH-dah): Jade
  16. Gioia (JOY-ah): Joy
  17. Giulietta (joo-lee-ET-tah): Youthful, Lively
  18. Ilaria (ee-LAH-ree-ah): Joyful, Cheerful
  19. Isolina (ee-soh-LEE-nah): Little island
  20. Lavinia (lah-VEE-nee-ah): Purified, Cleansed
  21. Lia (LEE-ah): Weary, Tired
  22. Liliana (lee-lee-AH-nah): Lily
  23. Marina (mah-REE-nah): Of the sea
  24. Matilde (mah-TEEL-deh): Battle-mighty
  25. Mia (MEE-ah): Mine
  26. Noemi (noh-EH-mee): Pleasantness
  27. Ornella (or-NEHL-lah): Flowering ash tree
  28. Ottavia (ot-TAH-vee-ah): Eighth-born
  29. Renata (reh-NAH-tah): Reborn
  30. Tessa (TEH-sah): Harvest
  31. Viola (vee-OH-lah): Violet
  32. Violetta (vee-oh-LET-tah): Little violet
  33. Viviana (vee-vee-AH-nah): Alive, Lively
  34. Zita (ZEE-tah): Little girl

Cool Italian Girl Names

Discover cool Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Cassandra (ka-SAN-drah): She who entangles men
  2. Cosima (koh-SEE-mah): Order, Harmony
  3. Damiana (dah-mee-AH-nah): Tame, Domesticated
  4. Donatella (doh-nah-TEHL-lah): Gift
  5. Elara (eh-LAH-rah): Bright, Shining
  6. Elettra (eh-LEH-trah): Bright, Shining
  7. Esperanza (es-peh-RAHN-sah): Hope
  8. Fiamma (FYAHM-mah): Flame
  9. Gaia (GUY-ah): Earth mother
  10. Iris (EYE-ris): Rainbow
  11. Marcella (mahr-CHEHL-lah): Little warrior
  12. Mirabella (mi-rah-BEH-lah): Wonderful
  13. Mirella (mee-REHL-lah): To admire
  14. Nerina (neh-REE-nah): Sea nymph
  15. Pia (PEE-ah): Pious
  16. Querida (keh-REE-dah): Beloved
  17. Quintina (kwin-TEE-nah): Fifth-born
  18. Roma (ROH-mah): Rome
  19. Sancia (SAN-chah): Sacred
  20. Serenella (seh-reh-NEHL-lah): Serene
  21. Sveva (SVEH-vah): From the Sabines
  22. Teodora (teh-oh-DOH-rah): Gift of God
  23. Vincenzina (veen-CHEN-tsee-nah): Conqueror

Beautiful Italian Girl Names

Explore beautiful Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and graceful beauty:

  1. Anabella (ah-nah-BEH-lah): Beautiful, Graceful
  2. Belladonna (beh-lah-DOH-nah): Beautiful lady
  3. Bellina (behl-LEE-nah): Beautiful
  4. Calista (kah-LEE-stah): Most beautiful
  5. Camellia (kah-MEH-lee-ah): Evergreen flowering plant
  6. Fiorenza (fyoh-REN-tsah): Blooming, Flourishing
  7. Giuliana (joo-lee-AH-nah): Youthful, Downy
  8. Liora (lee-OH-rah): Light
  9. Luciana (loo-CHEE-ah-nah): Light
  10. Marisabella (mah-ree-zah-BEHL-lah): Beautiful sea
  11. Perla (PEHR-lah): Pearl
  12. Stella (STEL-lah): Star
  13. Tullia (TOOL-yah): Peaceful, Tranquil
  14. Xanthe (ZAN-thee): Blonde, Yellow-haired

Good Italian Girl Names

Find good Italian girl names, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Adelina (ah-deh-LEE-nah): Noble, Kind
  2. Carina (kah-REE-nah): Beloved, Dear one
  3. Carmela (kar-MEH-lah): Garden, Orchard
  4. Daria (DAH-ree-ah): Upholder of the good, Wealthy
  5. Flavia (FLAH-vee-ah): Blonde, Golden-haired
  6. Irene (eye-REEN): Peace
  7. Lara (LAH-rah): Cheerful, Light-hearted
  8. Marta (MAHR-tah): Lady, Mistress
  9. Mila (MEE-lah): Gracious, Dear
  10. Nadia (NAH-dee-ah): Hope, Eager
  11. Olivia (oh-LIV-ee-ah): Olive tree, Symbol of peace
  12. Patrizia (pah-TREET-syah): Noble, Patrician
  13. Rachele (rah-KEH-leh): Ewe, Lamb
  14. Siena (see-EH-nah): From Siena, Italy; Red-orange color
  15. Talia (TAH-lee-ah): Blooming, Flourishing
  16. Vera (VEH-rah): True, Genuine
  17. Zaira (ZAY-rah): Rose, Flower
  18. Zenobia (zeh-NOH-bee-ah): Zeus’s life, strength of Zeus
  19. Zoe (ZOH-ee): Life

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