137+ Italian Nicknames for Sister: Cute and Fun Picks!

Need special Italian nicknames for sister? Check out our guide for cute, sweet, and funny Italian nicknames that are perfect for her, whether she’s older or younger. We’ve also included cool Italian contact names for your phone and explored sister nicknames from different languages.
Find the perfect Italian nickname that celebrates the unique bond you share with your sister!
Table of Contents
Italian Nicknames for Younger Sister

Here are some Italian nicknames that could be perfect for your younger sister, capturing the warmth and endearment of your relationship, each with pronunciation, meaning, and inspiration:
- Amore (Ah-moh-reh) – Love: Reflecting your deep affection and love for her.
- Angioletto (An-jol-let-to) – Little Angel: For a younger sister with a sweet and innocent demeanor.
- Bambina (Bahm-bee-nah) – Little Girl: A cute and endearing term for a younger sister.
- Bella (Bel-lah) – Beautiful: Signifying her beauty, inside and out.
- Bimba (Bim-ba) – Baby Girl: A term of endearment for a younger sister, regardless of her age.
- Coniglietta (Co-ni-gli-et-ta) – Little Bunny: For a younger sister who’s cuddly and loves hugs.
- Cucciola (Coo-cho-la) – Puppy: For a younger sister who is adorable and lovable.
- Cuoricino (Cuo-ri-ci-no) – Little Heart: For a younger sister who holds a big place in your heart.
- Dolcetta (Dol-che-tta) – Little Sweet One: For a younger sister who’s always kind and gentle.
- Dolcezza (Dohl-chehts-tsah) – Sweetness: Signifying her gentle and sweet demeanor.
- Farfalla (Fahr-fahl-lah) – Butterfly: Describing her light-hearted and carefree spirit.
- Fata (Fah-tah) – Fairy: Highlighting her magical and enchanting qualities.
- Fiorellino (Fio-rel-li-no) – Little Flower: For a delicate and beautiful younger sister.
- Fragolina (Fra-go-li-na) – Little Strawberry: For a sweet and delightful younger sister.
- Gioia (Joh-ee-ah) – Joy: Reflecting the happiness and joy she brings to your life.
- Gioiellino (Joy-el-li-no) – Little Jewel: For a precious younger sister who is valued and cherished.
- Lumetta (Lu-met-ta) – Little Light: For a younger sister who brings light and joy into your life.
- Meraviglia (Meh-rah-veel-yah) – Wonder: Reflecting her amazing and wonderful nature.
- Miciotta (Mi-ci-ot-ta) – Little Kitty: For a younger sister who’s independent yet affectionate.
- Pasticcina (Pas-tic-ci-na) – Little Pastry: For a younger sister who’s sweet and irresistible.
- Perla (Pehr-lah) – Pearl: Signifying her beauty and preciousness.
- Piccola (Pee-koh-lah) – Small/Little: Referring to her young age and size.
- Piccolina (Pic-co-li-na) – Little One: For emphasizing her younger status in the family with affection.
- Principessa (Prin-ci-pes-sa) – Princess: For a younger sister who is treated like royalty in the family.
- Pulcino (Pul-chee-no) – Little Chick: For an adorable and cute younger sister.
- Sole (So-leh) – Sun: Signifying her brightness and warmth.
- Sorellina (Soh-rel-lee-nah) – Little Sister: A classic and affectionate term for a younger sister.
- Sorriso (Sor-ree-zoh) – Smile: Describing her cheerful and positive demeanor.
- Stella (Stehl-lah) – Star: Reflecting her bright and shining personality.
- Stellina (Stel-li-na) – Little Star: For a younger sister who shines bright in her own unique way.
- Tesoretto (Te-so-ret-to) – Little Treasure: For a younger sister who is incredibly precious to you.
- Tesoro (Teh-soh-roh) – Treasure: Emphasizing how valuable she is to you.
Italian Nicknames for Older Sister

Here are some Italian nicknames that could beautifully reflect the special relationship with your older sister, each with pronunciation, meaning, and inspiration:
- Amore (Ah-moh-reh) – Love: Reflecting your deep affection and love for her.
- Angelo Custode (An-gelo Cus-to-de) – Guardian Angel: For an older sister who watches over you like a guardian angel.
- Bella (Bel-lah) – Beautiful: Signifying her beauty, both inside and out.
- Compagna Fedele (Com-pag-na Fe-de-le) – Faithful Companion: For an older sister who’s always by your side.
- Consigliera (Con-si-glie-ra) – Counselor: For an older sister known for her wise advice.
- Cuore Grande (Cuo-re Gran-de) – Big Heart: For an older sister with a generous and loving heart.
- Dolcezza (Dohl-chehts-tsah) – Sweetness: Signifying her gentle and sweet demeanor.
- Farfalla (Fahr-fahl-lah) – Butterfly: Reflecting her free-spirited and carefree nature.
- Faro (Fa-ro) – Lighthouse: For an older sister who guides you through dark times.
- Fata (Fah-tah) – Fairy: Describing her magical and enchanting qualities.
- Gioia (Joh-ee-ah) – Joy: Reflecting the happiness and joy she brings to your life.
- Guerriera (Guer-rie-ra) – Warrior: For an older sister who faces life’s challenges with courage.
- Guida (Gui-da) – Guide: For an older sister who has always been your guide through life.
- Luce (Lu-ce) – Light: For an older sister who lights up your life with her presence.
- Maestra (Ma-es-tra) – Teacher: For an older sister who has taught you valuable lessons.
- Meraviglia (Meh-rah-veel-yah) – Wonder: Reflecting her amazing and wonderful nature.
- Musa (Mu-sa) – Muse: For an older sister who inspires you in countless ways.
- Perla (Pehr-lah) – Pearl: Signifying her beauty and preciousness.
- Protettrice (Pro-tet-tri-ce) – Protector: For an older sister who always looks out for you and keeps you safe.
- Regina (Re-gi-na) – Queen: For an older sister who carries herself with grace and authority.
- Roccia (Roc-cia) – Rock: For an older sister who’s your rock, always steady and strong.
- Saggia (Sag-gia) – Wise One: For an older sister whose advice you seek and treasure.
- Sorellona (Soh-rel-loh-nah) – Big Sister: A loving and affectionate term for an older sister.
- Sorriso (Sor-ree-zoh) – Smile: Reflecting her cheerful and positive demeanor.
- Stella (Stehl-lah) – Star: Reflecting her brightness and shining personality.
- Tesoro Grande (Te-so-ro Gran-de) – Big Treasure: For an older sister who is incredibly precious to you.
Cute and Sweet Italian Nicknames for Sister

Here are some cute and sweet Italian nicknames for sister that could beautifully express your feelings, each with pronunciation, meaning, and inspiration:
- Amore (Ah-moh-reh) – Love: Reflecting your deep affection and love for her.
- Bella (Bel-lah) – Beautiful: Signifying her beauty, both inside and out.
- Bimba (Bim-ba) – Baby Girl: A term of endearment for a sister, regardless of her age.
- Cucciola (Coo-cho-la) – Puppy: For an adorable sister who is lovable and cuddly.
- Dolcezza (Dohl-chehts-tsah) – Sweetness: Signifying her gentle and sweet demeanor.
- Farfalla (Fahr-fahl-lah) – Butterfly: Describing her light-hearted and carefree spirit.
- Fata (Fah-tah) – Fairy: Highlighting her magical and enchanting qualities.
- Gioia (Joh-ee-ah) – Joy: Reflecting the happiness and joy she brings to your life.
- Luce (Lu-ce) – Light: For a sister who lights up your life with her presence.
- Perla (Pehr-lah) – Pearl: Signifying her beauty and preciousness.
- Piccola (Pee-koh-lah) – Small/Little: Referring to her petite stature or younger age.
- Principessa (Prin-chi-peh-sah) – Princess: Highlighting her charm and grace.
- Sognatrice (So-gna-tri-ce) – Dreamer: For a sister who is always lost in her dreams.
- Sole (So-leh) – Sun: Signifying her brightness and warmth.
- Sorriso (Sor-ree-zoh) – Smile: Describing her cheerful and positive demeanor.
- Stella (Stehl-lah) – Star: Reflecting her brightness and shining personality.
Funny Italian Nicknames for Sister

Here are some funny Italian nicknames for a sister that might just bring a smile to both of your faces, each with pronunciation, meaning, and inspiration:
- Avventurosa (Ahv-ven-too-roh-sah) – Adventurous: Reflecting a sister who’s always seeking new experiences and excitement.
- Birbante (Beer-bahn-teh) – Rogue: Describing a sister who’s witty, clever, and sometimes a little naughty.
- Birichina (Bee-ree-kee-nah) – Little Troublemaker: For a sister who is mischievous and playful.
- Briciola (Bri-cio-la) – Crumb: For the smallest or youngest sister, especially if she tends to leave crumbs everywhere.
- Capricciosa (Kah-preech-choh-sah) – Capricious: Playfully teasing a sister who can be unpredictable or whimsical.
- Catastrofina (Ca-tas-tro-fi-na) – Little Disaster: For a sister whose attempts at cooking or DIY projects often end in disaster.
- Chiacchierona (Chi-ac-chier-o-na) – Chatterbox: For a sister who never runs out of things to say.
- Chiocciolina (Kyo-chee-oh-lee-nah) – Snail: Playfully teasing a sister who can be a bit slow or lazy.
- Ciambella (Chahm-behl-lah) – Donut: Playfully poking fun at a sister’s love for sweets or round shape.
- Cioccolatina (Choh-koh-lah-tee-nah) – Chocolate: Playfully teasing a sister who loves chocolate or sweet treats.
- Dondolante (Don-doh-lahn-teh) – Wobbly: Playfully teasing a sister who can be a bit clumsy or uncoordinated.
- Dormigliona (Dor-mi-glio-na) – Sleepyhead: For a sister who can never seem to wake up on time.
- Furfante (Foor-fahn-teh) – Scoundrel: Playfully teasing a sister who can be a bit cheeky or naughty.
- Pestifera (Peh-stee-feh-rah) – Pest: Playfully teasing a sister who can be a bit annoying but lovable.
- Polpetta (Pol-pet-ta) – Meatball: For a sister who loves to eat or is on the rounder side, said with affection.
- Risata (Ree-sah-tah) – Laugher: Reflecting a sister who brings joy and laughter to your life.
- Saltellante (Sal-teh-lahn-teh) – Bouncy: Describing a sister who’s always full of enthusiasm and energy.
- Saputella (Sa-pu-tel-la) – Know-It-All: For a sister who always has an answer for everything, often with a humorous know-it-all attitude.
- Scassapalle (Scas-sa-pal-le) – Pain in the Neck: A playful tease for a sister who knows just how to push your buttons.
- Scherzosa (Skehr-zoh-sah) – Jokester: Describing a sister with a great sense of humor.
- Scimmietta (Scim-miet-ta) – Little Monkey: For a sister who’s always climbing, jumping, and getting into mischief.
- Strega (Stre-ga) – Witch: For a sister with a mischievous streak or one who loves to concoct “potions” in the kitchen.
- Tesoraccio (Te-so-rac-cio) – Little Troublemaker: For a sister who’s a bit of a rascal but still a treasure.
- Testarda (Tes-tar-da) – Stubborn One: For the sister whose determination is both admirable and a little bit frustrating.
- Trottola (Trot-to-la) – Top: For a sister who’s always buzzing around from one thing to the next.
- Zampetta (Zahm-peh-tah) – Little Paw: Describing a sister who’s always running around like a playful puppy.
- Zucca Vuota (Zuc-ca Vuo-ta) – Empty Pumpkin: A teasing nickname for a sister who has occasional airheaded moments.
- Zuccherino (Zook-keh-ree-noh) – Little Sugar: For a sweet and affectionate sister.
Italian Contact Names for Sister

Here are some Italian-inspired contact names that offer a range of affectionate, playful, and respectful ways to save your sister’s name in your phone, each with pronunciation, meaning, and inspiration:
- Amorina (Ah-moh-ree-nah) – Little Love: Reflecting your affection for her.
- Angelo di Famiglia (An-gelo di Fa-mi-glia) – Family Angel: For a sister who always looks out for everyone.
- Angioletta (Ahn-joh-let-tah) – Little Angel: Describing her innocence and goodness.
- Bambolina (Bahm-boh-lee-nah) – Little Doll: A cute and endearing term.
- Bellissima (Behl-lee-see-mah) – Very Beautiful: Emphasizing her beauty.
- Capitano Avventura (Ca-pi-ta-no Av-ven-tu-ra) – Adventure Captain: For a sister who’s always leading you on new adventures.
- Comica di Casa (Co-mi-ca di Ca-sa) – Home Comedian: For a sister with a great sense of humor.
- Consigliere Personale (Con-si-glie-re Per-so-na-le) – Personal Advisor: For a sister whose advice you always seek.
- Cuore d’Oro (Cuo-re d’O-ro) – Heart of Gold: For a sister who’s incredibly kind and generous.
- Cuore mio (Kwoh-reh mee-oh) – My Heart: Signifying her importance in your life.
- Cuore Sorella (Cuo-re So-rel-la) – Sister Heart: For a sister who’s at the heart of your life.
- Cuoricino (Kwoh-ree-chee-noh) – Little Heart: Signifying her caring nature.
- Diva della Cucina (Di-va del-la Cu-ci-na) – Kitchen Diva: For a sister who excels in culinary creations.
- Dolcetta (Dohl-cheht-tah) – Little Sweet: Describing her sweetness and kindness.
- Dolcezza mia (Dohl-chehts-tsah mee-ah) – My Sweetness: Emphasizing her kind nature.
- Dolcina (Dohl-chee-nah) – Sweetie: A sweet and loving term of endearment.
- Farfallina (Fahr-fahl-lee-nah) – Little Butterfly: Reflecting her light-hearted spirit.
- Fata del Focolare (Fa-ta del Fo-co-la-re) – Hearth Fairy: For a sister who makes home a magical place.
- Gioiellino (Joy-el-lee-noh) – Little Jewel: Emphasizing her value and preciousness.
- Gioiello Raro (Joy-el-lo Ra-ro) – Rare Jewel: For a sister who stands out for her uniqueness.
- Guardiana dei Segreti (Guar-di-a-na dei Se-gre-ti) – Keeper of Secrets: For a sister you can trust with your deepest secrets.
- Meravigliosa (Meh-rah-veel-yoh-sah) – Wonderful: Highlighting her amazing qualities.
- Piccola mia (Pee-koh-lah mee-ah) – My Little One: A loving and affectionate term.
- Principessa (Prin-chee-peh-sah) – Princess: Highlighting her grace and charm.
- Protettrice Coraggiosa (Pro-tet-tri-ce Co-rag-gio-sa) – Brave Protector: For a sister who always defends and protects you.
- Risata Infinita (Ri-sa-ta In-fi-ni-ta) – Endless Laughter: For a sister who keeps you laughing.
- Sognatrice Seriale (So-gna-tri-ce Se-ria-le) – Serial Dreamer: For a sister always lost in her dreams and ambitions.
- Sorella Magica (So-rel-la Ma-gi-ca) – Magical Sister: For a sister who seems to make everything better just by being there.
- Sorella Sole (So-rel-la So-le) – Sun Sister: For a sister who brightens your darkest days.
- Sorellina (Soh-rel-lee-nah) – Little Sister: A warm and affectionate term.
- Sorridentina (Soh-ree-den-tee-nah) – Smiley: Describing her cheerful demeanor.
- Stella Cadente (Stel-la Ca-den-te) – Shooting Star: For a sister who’s always reaching for her dreams.
- Stellina (Stehl-lee-nah) – Little Star: Reflecting her brightness and specialness.
- Tesorina (Teh-soh-ree-nah) – Little Treasure: Signifying her importance and worth.
- Tesoro mio (Teh-soh-roh mee-oh) – My Treasure: A personal and loving nickname.
Names for Sister in Different Languages

- Arabic: أخت (Ukht)
- Bengali: বোন (Bona)
- Czech: Sestra
- Dutch: Zus
- English: Sister
- Filipino (Tagalog): Kapatid na babae
- French: Sœur
- German: Schwester
- Greek: Αδελφή (Adelfí)
- Hindi: बहन (Bahan)
- Hungarian: Lanytestver
- Indonesian: Saudara perempuan
- Italian: Sorella
- Japanese: 姉妹 (Shimai)
- Korean: 자매 (Jamae)
- Malay: Kakak
- Mandarin Chinese: 姐妹 (Jiemei)
- Polish: Siostra
- Portuguese: Irma
- Punjabi: ਭੈਣ (Bhaina)
- Romanian: Sora
- Russian: Сестра (Sestra)
- Spanish: Hermana
- Swahili: Dada
- Swedish: Syster
- Thai: พี่สาว (Phi saw)
- Turkish: Kız kardes
- Ukrainian: Сестра (Sestra)
- Urdu: بہن (Behan)
- Vietnamese: Chị em gai
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