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350+ Best Sicilian Names with Meanings

350+ Best Sicilian Names with Meanings

Looking for a beautiful Sicilian name for your baby? Our collection of Italian Sicilian baby names has some amazing options to explore! Sicilian names have a unique charm and elegance, making them a perfect choice for your little one. If you’re searching for that special Sicilian name, we’ve got you covered with a range of exquisite options to consider!

Sicilian Names for Girls

Here’s a selection of Sicilian names for girls, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Adelasia (ah-deh-LAH-zee-ah): Noble
  2. Adolorata (ah-doh-loh-RAH-tah): Sorrowful
  3. Agata (AH-gah-tah): Good-hearted
  4. Agatina (ah-gah-TEE-nah): Kind
  5. Agnese (ahn-YEH-zeh): Pure
  6. Agostina (ah-goh-STEE-nah): Revered
  7. Alba (AHL-bah): Dawn
  8. Alida (ah-LEE-dah): Noble
  9. Aloisia (ah-loh-EE-zee-ah): Renowned warrior
  10. Altea (AHL-teh-ah): Winged
  11. Amalia (ah-MAH-lee-ah): Industrious
  12. Annetta (ah-NEHT-tah): Graceful
  13. Antonietta (ahn-toh-NYEH-tah): Priceless
  14. Arcangela (ahr-kahn-JEH-lah): Angelic
  15. Assunta (ah-SOON-tah): Assumption
  16. Atanasia (ah-tah-NAH-zee-ah): Immortal
  17. Audenzia (ow-DEN-tsyah): Courageous
  18. Ausilia (aw-ZEE-lee-ah): Dawn
  19. Bartolomea (bar-toh-loh-MEH-ah): Ploughman
  20. Benedetta (behn-eh-DEHT-tah): Blessed
  21. Bernarda (behr-NAHR-dah): Brave bear
  22. Bettina (beht-TEE-nah): Devoted
  23. Biagia (bee-AH-jee-ah): Lively
  24. Brigida (bree-JEE-dah): Strong
  25. Brunella (broo-NEHL-lah): Dark-haired
  26. Calcedonia (kal-cheh-DOH-nyah): Chalcedony (a gemstone)
  27. Calogera (kah-loh-JEH-rah): Goodness
  28. Candelora (kahn-deh-LOH-rah): Candle
  29. Candida (KAN-dee-dah): Pure
  30. Carmela (kahr-MEH-lah): Garden
  31. Carmelina (kahr-meh-LEE-nah): Garden
  32. Carmelita (kahr-meh-LEE-tah): Garden
  33. Carolina (kah-roh-LEE-nah): Free
  34. Catalda (kah-TAHL-dah): Pure
  35. Catena (kah-TEH-nah): Chain
  36. Celestina (cheh-lehs-TEE-nah): Heavenly
  37. Cettina (cheht-TEE-nah): Chaste
  38. Clelia (KLEH-lyah): Famous
  39. Concetta (kohn-CHEHT-tah): Conception
  40. Cosima (koh-SEE-mah): Order
  41. Costantina (koh-stahn-TEE-nah): Steadfast
  42. Costanza (koh-STAHN-tsah): Constant
  43. Crescenza (kreh-SHEHN-tsah): Growing
  44. Crucifissa (kroo-chee-FEES-sah): Cross-bearing
  45. Cuncetta (koon-CHEHT-tah): Little triumph
  46. Daria (DAH-ree-ah): Wealthy
  47. Decima (DEH-chee-mah): Tenth
  48. Donata (doh-NAH-tah): Given by God
  49. Dorina (doh-REE-nah): Gift
  50. Dorotea (doh-roh-TEH-ah): Gift of God
  51. Dumenica (doo-MEH-nee-kah): Sunday-born
  52. Edvige (ed-VEE-jeh): Battle maid
  53. Elettra (eh-LEH-trah): Shining
  54. Elisabella (eh-lee-ZAH-behl-lah): My God is abundance
  55. Elisabetta (eh-lee-zah-BEHT-tah): God is my oath
  56. Elvira (el-VEE-rah): Truth
  57. Emanuela (eh-mah-NWEH-lah): God is with us
  58. Epifania (eh-pee-FAH-nyah): Manifestation
  59. Ermelinda (ehr-meh-LEEN-dah): Protective
  60. Eufemia (eh-oo-FEH-mee-ah): Well-spoken
  61. Eustolia (eh-oo-STOH-lee-ah): Order
  62. Fabiana (fah-BYAH-nah): Bean grower
  63. Fantina (fahn-TEE-nah): Childlike
  64. Faustina (fow-STEE-nah): Lucky or Fortunate
  65. Fedora (feh-DOH-rah): Gift of God
  66. Ferdinanda (fehr-dee-NAHN-dah): Bold voyager
  67. Filippa (fee-LEE-pah): Lover of horses
  68. Filomena (fee-loh-MEH-nah): Lover of strength
  69. Fiorella (fee-oh-REHL-lah): Little flower
  70. Flavia (FLAH-vee-ah): Blond
  71. Fortunata (fohr-too-NAH-tah): Fortunate
  72. Gaetanella (gah-eh-tah-NEHL-lah): Little one from Gaeta
  73. Gaspara (gah-SPAH-rah): Treasure bearer
  74. Gelsomina (jel-soh-MEE-nah): Jasmine
  75. Gemma (JEM-mah): Jewel
  76. Genuelfa (jeh-NWEL-fah): Noble wolf
  77. Gesualda (jeh-ZOO-ahl-dah): Watchful
  78. Giacinta (jah-CHEEN-tah): Hyacinth flower
  79. Giacoma (jah-KOH-mah): Supplanter
  80. Giacomina (jah-koh-MEE-nah): Little supplanter
  81. Gilda (JEEL-dah): Sacrifice
  82. Girolama (jih-roh-LAH-mah): Holy name
  83. Giuseppa (joo-SEHP-pah): God will add
  84. Giuseppina (joo-sehp-PEE-nah): God will add
  85. Grazia (GRAH-tsyah): Grace
  86. Graziella (grah-tsyehl-lah): Little grace
  87. Grazzianu (grah-TSYAH-noo): Graceful
  88. Greta (GREH-tah): Pearl
  89. Igea (EE-jeh-ah): Goddess of healing
  90. Ignazia (ee-nyah-TSYAH): Fiery
  91. Ilaria (ee-LAH-ree-ah): Cheerful
  92. Iolanda (yoh-LAHN-dah): Violet flower
  93. Irene (ee-REH-neh): Peace
  94. Isabella (ee-sah-BEHL-lah): God is my oath
  95. Isidora (ee-zee-DOH-rah): Gift of Isis
  96. Ivana (ee-VAH-nah): God is gracious
  97. Jolanda (yoh-LAHN-dah): Violet flower
  98. Lavinia (lah-VEE-nyah): Woman of Rome
  99. Leandra (lee-AHN-drah): Lioness
  100. Leoluchina (leh-oh-loo-KEE-nah): Lioness
  101. Leonilda (leh-oh-NEEL-dah): Strong lioness
  102. Letizia (leh-TEE-tsya): Joy, happiness
  103. Liberanta (lee-beh-RAHN-tah): Liberator
  104. Liboria (lee-BOH-ree-ah): Free
  105. Loredana (lo-reh-DAH-nah): Laurel-crowned
  106. Luana (loo-AH-nah): Graceful warrior
  107. Luciana (loo-CHEE-ah-nah): Light
  108. Lucrezia (loo-KRET-syah): Wealth
  109. Maddalena (mahd-dah-LEH-nah): Magdalene
  110. Malvina (mahl-VEE-nah): Smooth brow
  111. Marcella (mar-CHEHL-lah): Warlike
  112. Margherita (mar-geh-REE-tah): Pearl
  113. Maria (mah-REE-ah): Sea of bitterness
  114. Mariangela (mah-ree-an-JEH-lah): Mary and Angel
  115. Marianna (mah-ree-AHN-nah): Combination of Mary and Anna
  116. Marisa (mah-REE-zah): Bitter
  117. Marta (MAR-tah): Lady
  118. Martina (mar-TEE-nah): Warrior of Mars
  119. Matilde (mah-TEEL-deh): Battle-mighty
  120. Melania (meh-LAH-nyah): Black, Dark
  121. Melina (meh-LEE-nah): Honey
  122. Mella (MEL-lah): Honey
  123. Milena (mee-LEH-nah): Gracious, Dear
  124. Miranda (mee-RAHN-dah): Admirable
  125. Miriam (MEE-ree-ahm): Sea of bitterness, Rebelliousness
  126. Natala (nah-TAH-lah): Born at Christmas
  127. Natalia (nah-TAH-lyah): Born at Christmas
  128. Nerina (neh-REE-nah): Sea Nymph
  129. Noemi (noh-EH-mee): Pleasantness
  130. Norma (NOR-mah): Rule, Norm
  131. Novella (noh-VEHL-lah): New, Fresh
  132. Nunzia (NOON-tsya): Announce
  133. Odessa (oh-DEH-sah): Long journey
  134. Olimpia (oh-LEEM-pyah): From Mount Olympus
  135. Onofria (oh-noh-FREE-ah): Peace
  136. Oratia (oh-RAH-tyah): Pray
  137. Orazia (oh-RAH-tsyah): Gold
  138. Ornell (awr-NEHL): Famous
  139. Palmira (pahl-MEE-rah): Palm tree
  140. Patrizia (pah-TREET-syah): Noble
  141. Pierina (pyeh-REE-nah): Rock
  142. Pietra (PYEH-trah): Stone
  143. Pietrina (pyeh-TREE-nah): Little rock
  144. Regina (reh-JEE-nah): Queen
  145. Renata (reh-NAH-tah): Reborn
  146. Rina (REE-nah): Pure
  147. Rita (REE-tah): Pearl
  148. Rocca (ROH-kah): Rock
  149. Romilda (roh-MEEL-dah): Famous battle
  150. Rosa (ROH-zah): Rose
  151. Rosella (roh-ZEH-lah): Little rose
  152. Rosina (roh-ZEE-nah): Rose
  153. Rossana (roh-SAH-nah): Graceful rose
  154. Santina (sahn-TEE-nah): Saintly
  155. Sebastiana (seh-bahs-tee-AH-nah): Revered
  156. Serafina (seh-rah-FEE-nah): Seraph, Angelic
  157. Simona (see-MOH-nah): Listening
  158. Stefania (steh-FAH-nyah): Crown
  159. Stella (STEL-lah): Star
  160. Teodora (teh-oh-DOH-rah): Gift of God
  161. Tullia (TOOL-yah): Supporter
  162. Valentina (vah-lehn-TEE-nah): Strong, Healthy
  163. Veru (VEH-roo): True
  164. Vincenza (veen-CHEN-tsah): Victory
  165. Viola (vee-OH-lah): Violet
  166. Virgilia (veer-JEE-lyah): Maiden
  167. Vittoria (veet-TOH-ryah): Victory
  168. Wilma (WEEL-mah): Will, Desire
  169. Zita (ZEE-tah): Little girl, Seeker

Sicilian Names for Boys

Here are several Sicilian names for boys, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Adrianu (ah-DREE-ah-noo): Adrian
  2. Agosto (ah-GOHS-toh): August
  3. Albert (AL-bert): Noble, Bright
  4. Alberto (al-BAIR-toh): Noble, Bright
  5. Alceu (al-SEH-oo): Strong, Brave
  6. Alfunzu (al-FOON-tsoo): Noble, Ready for battle
  7. Alissandru (ah-lees-SAHN-droo): Alexander
  8. Aloisio (ah-loh-EE-zee-oh): Famous warrior
  9. Amelio (ah-MEH-lyoh): Industrious
  10. Andrew (AN-droo): Manly
  11. Angilu (ahn-JEE-loo): Angelic
  12. Archie (AHR-kee): Bold, Genuine
  13. Baldassare (bahl-dahs-SAH-reh): Baal protect the king
  14. Barbaro (bahrb-BAH-roh): Barbarian
  15. Bernard (BER-nard): Brave bear
  16. Bernardo (ber-NAR-doh): Brave bear
  17. Bert (bert): Bright, Famous
  18. Biagio (BYAH-djoh): St. Biagio, protector
  19. Bill (bil): Will, Desire
  20. Cabbrieli (kahb-BREE-eh-lee): God is my strength
  21. Cal (kahl): Brave, Bald
  22. Carlo (KAHR-loh): Strong, Manly
  23. Carmelo (kar-MEH-loh): Orchard, Garden
  24. Castrenze (kah-STRAYN-zeh): Constant, Steadfast
  25. Cateno (kah-TEH-noh): Belonging to the earth
  26. Cesidio (che-SEE-dyoh): Cut down, Caesar
  27. Cilistinu (chee-lee-STEE-noo): Of the Christina family
  28. Ciro (CHEE-roh): Sun
  29. Corrado (kor-RAH-doh): Bold counselor
  30. Cosimo (koh-ZEE-moh): Order, harmony
  31. Custantinu (koos-tahn-TEE-noo): Constant, Steadfast
  32. Custanzu (koos-TAHN-zoo): Constant, Steadfast
  33. Damiano (dah-MYAH-noh): Tamer, Subduer
  34. Daniel (DAH-nyehl): God is my judge
  35. Desiderio (deh-see-DEH-ryoh): Desire
  36. Diego (DYEH-goh): James, Supplanter
  37. Donato (doh-NAH-toh): Gift
  38. Elio (EH-lyoh): Sun
  39. Enrico (ehn-REE-koh): Ruler of the household
  40. Epifanio (eh-pee-FAH-nyoh): Manifestation
  41. Errico (EHR-ree-koh): Home ruler
  42. Eugene (YOO-jeen): Noble, Well-born
  43. Fedele (feh-DEH-leh): Faithful
  44. Felice (feh-LEE-cheh): Happy, Fortunate
  45. Filippo (fee-LEEP-poh): Lover of horses
  46. Fortunato (fohr-too-NAH-toh): Fortunate, Lucky
  47. Gaspare (gah-SPA-reh): Treasurer
  48. Gene (jeen): Well-born, Noble
  49. Gennaro (jen-NAH-roh): January
  50. Gerald (JER-uhld): Spear rule
  51. Germano (jer-MAH-noh): Brother
  52. Gianluca (jahN-LOO-kah): Light
  53. Gioachino (jo-ah-KEE-noh): God will establish
  54. Gioberto (jo-BEHR-toh): Famous in battle
  55. Giorgio (JOR-jyoh): Farmer, Earthworker
  56. Giro (JEE-roh): Of the circular dance
  57. Girolamo (jih-roh-LAH-moh): Sacred name
  58. Giuvianu (joo-VAH-noo): God is gracious
  59. Guglielmo (gool-YEHL-moh): Will, Desire, Protection
  60. Guido (GWEEdoh): Guide
  61. Henry (HEN-ree): Ruler of the household
  62. Ignaziu (eeg-NAH-tsyoo): Fiery, Passionate
  63. Ippolito (ee-pol-LEE-toh): Freer of horses
  64. Isidoro (ee-SEE-doh-roh): Gift of Isis, Gift of the sun
  65. James (jeymz): Supplanter
  66. Jasper (JAS-puhr): Treasurer, Bringer of treasure
  67. Jerome (jer-OHM): Holy name
  68. Lawrence (LAWR-uhns): Laurel-crowned
  69. Liberante (lee-beh-RAHN-teh): Liberating, Freedom
  70. Libertino (lee-behr-TEE-noh): Free
  71. Liborio (lee-BOH-ryoh): Liberty, Freedom
  72. Louis (LOO-ee): Famous warrior
  73. Lucas (LOO-kahs): Light
  74. Ludie (LOO-dee): Famous warrior
  75. Ludovico (loo-doh-VEE-koh): Famous warrior
  76. Luigi (loo-EE-jee): Renowned fighter
  77. Luigino (loo-EE-jee-noh): Little Luigi
  78. Luritu (loo-REE-too): Loyal
  79. Mansueto (mahn-SWEH-toh): Meek, Humble
  80. Manuele (mah-nweh-LEH): God is with us
  81. Mariano (mah-RYAH-noh): Male, Virile
  82. Marianu (mah-ree-AH-noo): From the sea
  83. Mattia (MAHT-tee-ah): Gift of God
  84. Mauro (MAH-oo-roh): Dark-skinned
  85. Melchiore (mel-kee-OH-reh): King, Royal
  86. Modesto (moh-DEHS-toh): Modest
  87. Murph (muhrf): Sea warrior
  88. Murphy (MUHR-fee): Sea warrior
  89. Myron (MY-ron): Myrrh, fragrance
  90. Natale (nah-TAH-leh): Christmas Day
  91. Nelson (NEL-suhn): Son of Neil
  92. Nick (nik): Victory of the people
  93. Nicolo (nee-KOH-loh): Victorious people
  94. Nunzio (NOON-tsyoh): Messenger
  95. Onofrio (oh-noh-FREE-oh): Defender of peace
  96. Orazio (oh-RAH-tsyoh): Timekeeper
  97. Orlando (awr-LAHN-doh): Famous throughout the land
  98. Ottaviano (oh-tah-VYAH-noh): Eighth
  99. Paolino (pah-oh-LEE-noh): Little Paul
  100. Patrick (PAT-rik): Nobleman
  101. Philip (FIL-ip): Lover of horses
  102. Pietro (pyeh-TROH): Rock
  103. Pirtinaci (peer-tee-NAH-chee): Pertinax, Resolute
  104. Quintillu (kwin-TEEL-loo): Fifth
  105. Quinto (KWEEN-toh): Fifth
  106. Quintu (KWEEN-too): Fifth
  107. Raimondo (ray-MOHN-doh): Wise protector
  108. Ramunnu (rah-MOON-noo): Wise protector
  109. Randolfo (ran-DOLF-oh): Wolf shield
  110. Riccardo (ree-KAHR-doh): Strong ruler
  111. Rocco (ROK-oh): Rest
  112. Rosario (roh-ZAH-ree-oh): Rosary, Garland of roses
  113. Rosolino (roh-zoh-LEE-noh): Little rose
  114. Salvaturi (sal-vah-TOO-ree): Savior
  115. Samuel (SAM-yool): Heard by God
  116. Sarbaturi (sahr-bah-TOO-ree): Savior
  117. Saverio (sah-VEH-ree-oh): Savior
  118. Sebastianu (seh-bah-STYAH-noo): Revered
  119. Serafino (seh-rah-FEE-noh): Burning one
  120. Stanislao (stah-nee-SLAH-oh): Glorious government
  121. Stephen (STEE-vuhn): Crown
  122. Taviano (tah-VYAH-noh): A saint’s name
  123. Teodoro (teh-oh-DOH-roh): Gift of God
  124. Tibberiu (tee-BEH-ryo): From Tiberius
  125. Tito (TEE-toh): Giant
  126. Umberto (oom-BEHR-toh): Bright warrior
  127. Vicenzu (vee-CEN-tsoo): Victorious
  128. Vincentius (vin-SEN-syus): Conqueror
  129. Vincislau (vin-CIS-lau): Victorious, Glory
  130. Vittorio (veet-TOR-ee-oh): Victor, Conqueror
  131. William (WIL-yuhm): Resolute protector

Gender Neutral Sicilian Names

Here are some Sicilian names that could be considered gender-neutral, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Aldo (AHL-doh): Old and wise
  2. Alessandro (ah-lehs-SAHN-droh): Defender of mankind
  3. Alessi (ah-LEH-see): Noble defender
  4. Alfonso (ahl-FOHN-soh): Noble and ready
  5. Angelo (AHN-jeh-loh): Angelic, Messenger
  6. Antonio (ahn-TOH-nee-oh): Highly praiseworthy
  7. Arcangelo (ahr-kahn-JEH-loh): Archangel
  8. Augusto (ow-GOOS-toh): August, revered
  9. Aureliu (aw-REH-lyoo): Golden
  10. Basilio (bah-ZEE-lyoh): Kingly
  11. Caiu (KAH-yoo): Rejoice
  12. Calogero (kah-loh-JEH-roh): Beautiful elder
  13. Carinu (kah-REE-noo): Dear, Beloved
  14. Carmine (KAHR-meen): Vineyard
  15. Cataldo (kah-TAHL-doh): Pure, Chaste
  16. Cesare (CHEH-zah-reh): Caesar, King
  17. Currau (KOOR-rah-oo): Heart, Core
  18. Custanti (koos-TAHN-tee): Constant, Steadfast
  19. Dante (DAHN-teh): Enduring
  20. Domenico (doh-MEH-nee-koh): Of the Lord
  21. Emilio (eh-MEE-lyoh): Industrious, Striving
  22. Fabrizio (fah-BREET-syoh): Craftsman
  23. Fantino (fahn-TEE-noh): Little child
  24. Federico (feh-deh-REE-koh): Peaceful ruler
  25. Francesco (fran-CHEHS-koh): Free man
  26. Gaetano (gah-eh-TAH-noh): From Gaeta
  27. Gerlanda (jer-LAHN-dah): Spear ruler
  28. Giacomo (jah-KOH-moh): Supplanter
  29. Giovanni (joh-VAH-nee): God is gracious
  30. Giuseppe (joo-SEP-peh): God will add
  31. Graziano (grah-TSYAH-noh): Gracious, Graceful
  32. Ignazio (een-NYAH-tsyoh): Fiery, Ardent
  33. Leoluca (leh-oh-LOO-kah): Lion man
  34. Liuni (LYOO-nee): Lion-like
  35. Lorenzo (loh-REN-zoh): Laurel-crowned
  36. Luca (LOO-kah): Bringer of light
  37. Luciano (loo-CYAH-noh): Light
  38. Luciu (loo-CYOO): Light
  39. Mancuso (mahn-KOO-soh): Blameless
  40. Manfredi (mahn-FREH-dee): Man of peace
  41. Marco (MAHR-koh): Warlike
  42. Mario (MAH-ryoh): Warlike
  43. Matteo (mah-TEH-oh): Gift of God
  44. Maurizio (mow-REET-syoh): Dark-skinned
  45. Michele (mee-KEH-leh): Who is like God
  46. Paolo (PAH-oh-loh): Small
  47. Paulu (PAWL-oo): Little Paul
  48. Piu (PYOO): More
  49. Raffaele (rahf-FAH-leh): God has healed
  50. Roberto (roh-BEHR-toh): Bright fame
  51. Salvatore (sal-vah-TOH-reh): Savior
  52. Sebastiano (seh-bah-STYAH-noh): Revered
  53. Simone (see-MOH-neh): God has heard
  54. Stefano (steh-FAH-noh): Crown
  55. Tommaso (tohm-MAH-zoh): Twin
  56. Vincenzo (vin-CHEN-zoh): Conqueror

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